× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Few remarks and questions

fingeradmin replied the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago

The OpenStreetMap.js file will be pulled in from the OSM site by default, but you can change that in the Advanced settings (see screenshot).

If you set it like in the screenshot, then you have to make sure the file is actually there and spelled correctly, or you'll get an empty map.

As for the waypoints: i'm currently working on a new version where you can have custom symbols or icons on the waypoints - drop me a private mail if you're interested in testing this.

cheers, Frank


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hikeguy55 replied the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago

I now copied the complete map OpenLayers-2.13.1 on my server and it works, including the controls. My mistake (as a non-technical guy) was that I only copied the OpenLayer.js file.
What about the OpenStreetMap.js file? I left that out and it works. Is it not really needed?
Thanks for the extension. I'm now looking at the language possibilities and using waypoint possibilities. Looks really good.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago

Hi, i just checked - i have OpenLayers 2.12, i hope they haven't changed anything between 2.12 and 2.13 that would break the map controls display.

Though, when you say they do appear when you hover over them with the
mouse, it could also be a css problem. I haven't received any other reports in that regard - i will probably have to install 2.13 here to see if that's the problem.

Oh, one more thing: i have installed the "full" OpenLayers version here, but iirc they also have a stripped, "minimal" one-file version - i haven' tested that yet. If you only have an OpenLayers.js (and nothing else), that could be the problem. In that case, can you try the full version? Your plugin directory should look similar to the screenshot attached.

(i can't imagine they break something as essential as this in a point release, so it must be something else...)

As for 3.: leaflet is an alternative library to OpenLayers, so it could be that OSM now supports that, too. It has similar functions, but from what i've seen it's quite different in usage. But as said, i don't think they'll stop supporting OpenLayers...


Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by fingeradmin.

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hikeguy55 replied the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago

Thanks for the swift reply.

OpenLayers.js mentions version 2.13.1
As to OpenStreetMap.js, I had trouble finding that. See attachment, probably not the good one.

Can't remember where I read that. It mentionned leaflet.js ..., but I'm no expert at all, so it just confused me.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago


1. thanks for the note - so it's "3.1.4 and up". I'll note that in the release notes.

2. It must be a wrong version: i have OpenLayers installed on my server,too, and it's working fine (i can't say which exact version i have though, will have to look that up). Can you tell me which version you have?

3. i haven't heard of that - can you provide a link? I will surely try to support future versions of OSM, that's what the plugin was made for in the first place. Anyway, i doubt the OSM project will stop supporting the current way of accessing the data, as it would break a whole lot of existing sites and applications using their data - i can't imagine they would want that. Probably they are just developing an alternative, new method.


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hikeguy55 created the topic: Few remarks and questions

11 years 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for a great extension. I was looking for an OSM based map extension, not based on the google code. There's certainly a need for that!

I got the extension working fine and started testing with it, but now some remarks and questions are coming up:

The remark you make for joomla 3.1.4 users is also valid for 3.1.5. I was under the impression it was only for 3.1.4. since there have been some problems with that update.

It works with the openlayer and openstreetmap js files I downloaded and installed on my server. The map and the track displayed fine, but I didn't get to see the tools like zoombar, mapswitch, scale..., allthough they worked when I positioned the cursor at the spots where they should show.
I switched to the http js file locations and there they were. Wrong js files, old versions...? What's the reason?

3. I read somewhere OSM is not using OpenStreetMap.js anymore but has another solution? If that's so, do you plan on implementing it in your future version of GPXTrackMap? I just wonder because I wouldn't want to be faced with an obsolete and unsupported extension in the future. Or is this question irrelevant?

That's it for now. Anyway, keep up the good work!


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