× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

No track and Map zoomed in to ocean

ErikB replied the topic: No track and Map zoomed in to ocean

10 years 5 months ago

Is the access right dependig on the file extention?

I copies a image to the images/gpxtracks folder and the picture is shown when using a direct URL.

After that I changed the extention of the image to .gpx then I got the 404 error.

After that I changed the extention of the image to .zip then Winzip opens the file (offcourse with a error because it isn't a valifd .zip file).

So it looks like .jpg and .zip are valid extentions and .gpx not.

I tried to find some information about this on the internet but no luck so far :-(
Perhaps you know what to do?

Greetz Erik

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fingeradmin replied the topic: No track and Map zoomed in to ocean

10 years 5 months ago

Hoi Erik,

the problem is the URL for the gpx track:

Either the file is really not there, or there is
something wrong with the access rights in that
folder, i.e. the OpenLayers API can not open the
file. Since the track.zip can be downloaded,
i guess it must be an access right problem.

(if you just copy the URL above into your browser,
you get a 404 file not found error, while the zip

hth & cheers, Frank

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ErikB created the topic: No track and Map zoomed in to ocean

10 years 5 months ago


I hope someone can help me, with the issue below.

I use the track.gpx from this site.

When using the plugin I see a blue map and I have to click 13 times on the zoomout button to see some land. When I navigate on the map to Mutzenich thn no track is showing.

I tried the possibilities on the troubleshouting section but none worked.

I'm running J2.5.18
plugin version 1.2.3 beta 2 (previous version works neither)
Themeplate is ca_cloudbase2_j25 - Default (based on Granty Framework)

url to article :

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