× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

fingeradmin replied the topic: GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

11 years 3 days ago

Hi again Mauro,

please ignore my previous message, i just found the tracks
and the GPS page on your site.

The version of the plugin you have installed contained some
test code that i obviously forgot to remove before
publishing it, it didn't break anything on my local
test site but it seems not to be working on your site.

As i mentioned earlier, you should really use the 1.2.3
version from the link in my previous message. That one
doesn't contain the test code, so it should work fine
(you can just install it "over" the existing version).

hth & cheers, Frank

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fingeradmin replied the topic: GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

11 years 3 days ago

Hi Mauro,

sorry, i can't see any attachment...

You can also send the file to me by mail to: info[at]frankingermann.de

cheers, Frank

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maurcalvo replied the topic: GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

11 years 3 days ago

Hi Frank,
I have installed the GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

I have load another track file, it was working fine in a previous version of gpxtrackmap, this also does not work, same message, i attach the track file Akamas.gpx

site www.cmsitalia.joomlahost.it/

Thank you wery much for your support.


Last edit: 11 years 3 days ago by maurcalvo. Reason: add address site

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fingeradmin replied the topic: GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

11 years 3 days ago

Hi Mauro,

first, you should use the latest version of the plugin from here .

What you see is a part of the Javascript code that is generated for the waypoint
popups - which should be executed, of course, and not printed in the output.

Do you have any "strange things" in your waypoint descriptions by any chance?

If you like, you can send me the track file or post it here and i can have a look.

cheers, Frank

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maurcalvo created the topic: GPXTrackMap - Version 1.2.0

11 years 4 days ago

I have installed on my test site the plugin.
If I load a gpx file on the article
on the screen of the web there is the message:

Download: serraivreaviverone.gpx
", null, true ); feature.popup = popup; map0.addPopup(popup); }, 'featureunselected':function(evt){ var feature = evt.feature; map0.removePopup(feature.popup); feature.popup.destroy(); feature.popup = null; } } }); vector.addFeatures(features); // create the select feature control var selector = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector,{ toggle:true, // alternatively: //hover:true, autoActivate:true }); map0.addLayer(vector); map0.addControl(selector); */ }); });

Could you help me?

Joomla! 2.5.19 Stable [ Ember ] 6-March-2014 14:30 GMT

Mauro Calvo

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