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French Maps / Geoportail

brenot replied the topic: French Maps / Geoportail

9 years 3 months ago

I found more informations about openlayer and geoportail on this page :
It seems to contain a lot of useful informations, bur not enough for me !

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brenot replied the topic: French Maps / Geoportail

9 years 3 months ago

Thank you for your answer.
I've already read this page and tried to adapt the code, found on french sites.
But I don't understand how to adapt it.
If french people did it, please help me !

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fingeradmin replied the topic: French Maps / Geoportail

9 years 3 months ago

Hi brenot,

have you looked at this?

Custom Map Layers documentation

At the very end is an example, maybe you can adapt that.

Otherwise i can't be of much help, i'm afraid -
my French ain't so great :blush: - but there
are quite some other people from France using
the plugin and also registered here.

Maybe one of you could help brenot?

cheers, Frank

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brenot created the topic: French Maps / Geoportail

9 years 3 months ago

This plugin is very useful, thanks a lot.
I like to use french maps from "Geoportail" (IGN) as custom maps.
The Geoportail API can work with openlayer.
But unfortunately, I don't know how to adapt the code in the "custommaplayer" file.
Is anybody has already do this before ?
Or is anybody can help me ?

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