mirger replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- mirger
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Here is my code.
I thought it was work for the christmas holidays...But it was luckily fast found.
All others than Frank: Please do not use this code because I put also code in specific for our website.
Everywhere I changed something I put //mirger.nl around
I put in the link "overzicht": back to the main map with all the walks.
In the BBcode I changed the width of an image inside the popup. I propose using the maximum width of the popup minus 20px or so.
Let me know when your version is ready
* @author
* @Copyright
* @package GPXTrackMap - GPX track display on maps using the OpenLayers API - Content Plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x
* @author Frank Ingermann - info@frankingermann.de
* @version 1.4.1 - 06-Sept-2017
* @link http://software.frankingermann.de/gpxtrackmap
* @license GNU/GPL
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For the GNU General Public License, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Code and idea are based on the great "Simple Image Gallery Extended" (SIGE) plugin
* by Viktor Vogel: http://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/sige-simple-image-gallery-extended
* Thanks, Viktor!
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
// V1.2.2 fix for J 3.1.4:
class plgContentGPXTrackMap extends JPlugin {
protected $_params;
protected $_absolute_path;
protected $_rootfolder; // WITH / at end
protected $_rootpath; // WITHOUT / at end
protected $_live_site;
protected $_plugin_dir;
protected $_markers_dir;
protected $_warnings;
function __construct(&$subject, $config)
$this->_gtmversion = 'V1.4.1';
$version = new JVersion();
// test for Joomla 2.5 version. The plugin may also work on pre-2.5, but that's untested.
// i'll leave out this check for the time being phase - otherwise nobody could test it under J != 2.5...
//if($version->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' AND $version->RELEASE != '2.5')
//{ JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('PLG_CONTENT_GPXTRACKMAP_NEEDJ25'));
// return;
// }
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
if (isset($_SESSION["gtmcount"])) { unset($_SESSION["gtmcount"]); }
if (isset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"])) { unset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"]); }
public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart)
// check for our trigger token. If it's not on this page: get outta here, don't waste valuable CPU time!
if (!preg_match("@{gpxtrackmap}(.*){/gpxtrackmap}@Us", $article->text))
{ return true; }
if (!isset($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"]))
{ $_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"] = -1; }
$this->_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE;
$this->_live_site = JURI::base();
$this->_plugin_dir = $this->_live_site.'plugins/content/gpxtrackmap/';
$this->_markers_dir = $this->_plugin_dir.'markers/';
if (substr($this->_live_site, -1) == '/')
{ $this->_live_site = substr($this->_live_site, 0, -1); }
// find all plugin calls on the page
if(preg_match_all("@{gpxtrackmap}(.*){/gpxtrackmap}@Us", $article->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0)
// pull in our language file (atm we only need it to localize the map layer names)
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extension = 'plg_content_gpxtrackmap';
$language_tag = $lang->getTag();
$reload = true;
$lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload);
$enablegooglemaps = $this->params->get('enablegooglemaps','0');
// where are we?
// load script template that will build the OpenLayer script part
$scriptfn = $plginpath.'gpxtrackmap.js';
if (!file_exists($scriptfn))
{ echo('<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: Template script file '.$scriptfn.' not found!</em></h2>');
return true;
if (!isset($_SESSION["gtmcount"]))
{ $_SESSION["gtmcount"] = -1; }
if ($_SESSION["gtmcountarticles"] == 0) // first call on page
// the call to the openlayers api and the osm layer definitions: will be put in <head>,
// but only once. it's a BIG chunk of code!
// V1.1: the script urls are configurable for those that have OpenLayers.js on their server
$scriptsrc_ol = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-ol');
$scriptsrc_osm = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-osm');
$scriptsrc_gm = $this->params->get('scriptsrc-gm');
//TODO: fix URL on non-local servers!
// V1.3.2 no longer needed: $scriptsrc_hbl = $this->_plugin_dir."hikebikelayer.js";
// revert to defaults if blank:
// V1.4.0 use scripts deployed with the plugin as default
//OLD: if ($scriptsrc_ol=="") { $scriptsrc_ol = "http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"; }
if ($scriptsrc_ol=="") { $scriptsrc_ol = "/plugins/content/OpenLayers.2.13.2.full.js"; }
//OLD: if ($scriptsrc_osm=="") { $scriptsrc_osm = "http://www.openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js"; }
if ($scriptsrc_osm=="") { $scriptsrc_osm = "/plugins/content/OpenStreetMap.js"; }
if ($scriptsrc_gm=="") { $scriptsrc_gm = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false"; }
$head_js = '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_ol.'"></script>'."\n".
'<script src="'.$scriptsrc_osm.'"></script>'."\n";
// V1.3.2 no longer needed: '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_hbl.'"></script>'."\n";
// only if Google Maps are explicitly enabled: link in their API
// this is also configurable in case the Google guys should change their url...
if ($enablegooglemaps==1)
{ $head_js .= '<script src="'.$scriptsrc_gm.'"></script>'."\n"; }
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
if ($document instanceof JDocumentHTML)
{ $document->addCustomTag($head_js); // put the calls in the <head> tag of the page
// CSS fix for Joomla 3 and some J2.5 templates: setting width and height for img tags can distort
// the map and diagram displays; disable those stylings for the track map:
$head_css = '<style type="text/css"> div.gpxtrack div.olMap img, div.gpxtrack div.olMap svg {max-width: inherit ! important;} '.
'div.gpxtrack img.olTileImage {max-width: 1000px ! important;} '.
'div.gpxtrack div.olControlLayerSwitcher label {display: inline; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; border-top: 2px; } '.
'div.gpxtrack input.olButton {margin-right: 3px; margin-top: 0px;}</style>'."\n";
if (!$this->params->get('gpxroot'))
{ $this->_rootfolder = '/images/gpxtracks/'; }
{ $this->_rootfolder = $this->params->get('gpxroot');
if (substr($this->_rootfolder, -1) !== '/') {
$this->_rootfolder = $this->_rootfolder . '/'; }
$this->_rootpath = substr($this->_rootfolder,0,strlen($this->_rootfolder)-1);
// now loop through all invocations we found:
foreach($matches[0] as $match)
$scripttext = file_get_contents( $scriptfn );
// increase our session's invocation counter.
$gtmcode=''; // this will make up all of the code to replace the {gpxtrackmap}...{/gpxtrackmap} 'invocation' code in the end
$gpx_code = preg_replace("@{.+?}@", "", $match);
$gpx_array = explode(",", $gpx_code); // syntax is filename[,param1=value1[,param2=value2[...]]]
$gpx_file = $gpx_array[0]; // first param must be the gpx filename or url
// V1.2.3 gpx files via URL support
if (substr_compare($gpx_file,'http://',0,7) == 0) {
$externalgpx = 1;
$gpx_path = $gpx_file;
$gpx_file = parse_url($gpx_file,PHP_URL_PATH);
$localpath = parse_url($this->_live_site,PHP_URL_PATH);
$gpx_file = substr($gpx_file,strlen($localpath));
$gpx_filepath = $this->_absolute_path.$gpx_file;
$path_parts = pathinfo($gpx_file);
$gpx_file = $path_parts['basename'];
$gpx_dir = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path_parts['dirname'].'/';
$gpx_basepath = $this->_live_site.$path_parts['dirname'].'/';
} else {
$externalgpx = 0;
$gpx_dir = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->_rootfolder;
$gpx_basepath = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder;
$gpx_path = $gpx_basepath.$gpx_file;
$gpx_filepath = $this->_absolute_path.$this->_rootfolder.$gpx_file;
if (! JFile::exists($gpx_filepath))
$this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: GPX file "'.$this->_rootfolder.$gpx_file.'" not found!</em></h2>';
unset($this->_params); // if this is the 2nd, 3rd... call: clear previous params
$this->_params = array(); // we want a fresh, empty array of params for this run
if(count($gpx_array) >= 2) //more params then just the gpx filename passed
{ for($i = 1; $i < count($gpx_array); $i++) //starting with the first one AFTER the filename...
{ $parameter_temp = explode("=", $gpx_array[$i]);
if(count($parameter_temp) >= 2) //the params should have item=value syntax, lowercase their names:
{ $this->_params[strtolower(trim($parameter_temp[0]))] = trim($parameter_temp[1]); }
$this->collectParams(); // see below - gets all params, either from the current invocation or the defaults from the Backend-params
$tpldir = substr($plginpath,0,-1);
// mirger.nl
if (!isset($this->_params['center_x'])) { $this->_params['center_x'] = $this->params->get('center_x'); }
if (!isset($this->_params['center_y'])) { $this->_params['center_y'] = $this->params->get('center_y'); }
// mirger.nl
if (!isset($this->_params['tpl'])) { $this->_params['tpl'] = $this->params->get('tpldefault'); }
$tpl = $this->_params['tpl'];
switch ($tpl)
case (1): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl1'); break; }
case (2): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl2'); break; }
case (3): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl3'); break; }
case (4): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl4'); break; }
case (5): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl5'); break; }
case (6): { $tplfn = $this->params->get('tpl6'); break; } // V1.1.4 added
default: {
// V1.2.2: if $tpl is not an integer, assume it's a directly supplied path to the template file:
if (!ctype_digit($tpl)) {
$tplfn = $tpl; }
$templateDir = JPATH_SITE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
// localize template dir -> /plugins/content/gpxtrackmap/de-DE/
$lngtag = $lang->getTag();
$tpldir_local = $tpldir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lngtag;
$dirs = array($tpldir_local,JPATH_SITE/*$this->_live_site*/.$this->_rootfolder.$lngtag,$templateDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$lngtag);
$phs = array('%PLUGINDIR%','%GPXDIR%','%TEMPLATEDIR%');
// replace %TEMPLATES% placeholder in filenames with the plugin dir path
$tplfn_local = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$tplfn);
//TODO: add placeholder %GPXDIR% with the /images/gpxtracks directory? could be an easy way for security risks, though...
// if template file is not found in the localized dir, try the plugin root dir as default
if (!file_exists($tplfn_local)) {
$dirs = array($tpldir,JPATH_SITE/*$this->_live_site*/.$this->_rootpath,$templateDir);
$tplfn = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$tplfn);
} else {
$tplfn = $tplfn_local;
$tplfn = strtr( $tplfn , '\\', '/');
if (!file_exists($tplfn))
$this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>GPXTrackMap Plugin error: Layout template file "'.$tplfn.'" not found, using default layout.</em></h2>';
$tpltext =
'<div class="gpxtrack">'.
'<div class="gpxtrackinfo"><p>%TRACKPOINTS% trackpoints; distance: %DISTANCE-KM% km; time: %DURATION%</p></div>'.
'<div class="gpxtrackmap">%TRACKMAP%</div>'.
'<div class="gpxtrackdiagram">%TRACKDIAGRAM%</div>'.
'<div class="gpxtracklink">%TRACKLINK%</div>'.
} else {
$tpltext = file_get_contents( $tplfn );
$mapvar = 'map'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"]; // all maps need a unique var and ID
// this should translate the "Base layer" caption in the layer switcher, but it just translates the hint... oh well...
$baselayer = "{'title': ".'"'.JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_BASELAYER").'"}';
// Map controls for Zooming/panning/switching layers
$mapcontrols = '';
// another option would be 'new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel(),' ...
if ($this->_params['mapnav'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({documentDrag: true}),'."\n"; } // documentDrag allows dragging outside map box
if ($this->_params['mappan'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),'."\n"; } // with pan arrows and zoom bar
if ($this->_params['mapzoombtns'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Zoom(),'."\n"; } // simple + - buttons
if ($this->_params['mapswitch'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher('.$baselayer.'),'."\n"; }
if ($this->_params['mapscale'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({geodesic:true,maxWidth:150}),'."\n"; } // , bottomOutUnits: "", bottomInUnits: "" ill hide lower display in [mi]
if ($this->_params['mapoverview'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap(),'."\n"; }
if ($this->_params['mapmousepos'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition(),'."\n"; }
if ($this->_params['mapgraticule'] == 1) { $mapcontrols .= 'new OpenLayers.Control.Graticule({displayInLayerSwitcher: true, targetSize: 300,'."\n".
'layerName: "'.JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPGRATICULE_LABEL").'",'."\n".
'intervals: [ 45, 30, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 ] }),'."\n"; }
// code to disable zooming with the mouse wheel
if ($this->_params['mapwheelzoom'] == 1)
{ $nomousewheelzoom = ''; }
{ $nomousewheelzoom = 'controls = '.$mapvar.'.getControlsByClass(\'OpenLayers.Control.Navigation\');'."\n".
'for(var i = 0; i < controls.length; ++i) controls[i].disableZoomWheel();'."\n"; }
// layer definitions:
// OSM Mapnik (default)
$ldmapnik = ' var layerMapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik("'.
'"); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMapnik); '."\n";
// OSM Cyclemap
// v1.4.1 configurable API key for Thunderforest map layers
$ldTfApiKey = '';
if ($this->_params['tfapikey'] != '') {
$ldTfApiKey = '?apikey='.$this->_params['tfapikey'];
// v1.4.0 removed http from all tile server URLs that allow access via https if available
$ldcycle = "\n".
' var layerCycleMap = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{ attribution : \'maps © <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
' data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerCycleMap); '."\n"."\n";
// OSM Mapnik DE, with colors that are more common in german map renderings:
// V1.3.2 added crossOriginKeyword: null due to CORS issues
$ldmapnikde = ' var layerMapnikDE = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null}}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMapnikDE); '."\n";
// Hike & Bike map - V1.3.2 hikebike url has changed, old URL: http://toolserver.org/tiles/hikebike/
$ldhikebike = 'var layerHikeBike = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPLAYER_OPENSTREETMAP_HIKEBIKE").'", "http://a.tiles.wmflabs.org/hikebike/",'."\n".
'{ type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL,'."\n".
' displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, isBaseLayer: true, '."\n".
' attribution: \'Map Data © <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\','."\n".
' transitionEffect: \'resize\' } ); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerHikeBike); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldtransport = ' var layerTransport = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, '.
'attribution : \'maps © <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
' data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
'}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerTransport); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldlandscape = ' var layerLandscape = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19,'.
'attribution : \'maps © <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
' data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
'}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerLandscape); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldoutdoors = ' var layerOutdoors = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19,'.
'attribution : \'maps © <a href="http://thunderforest.com/">Thunderforest</a>,'.
' data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
'}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerOutdoors); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldmapquest = ' var layerMapQuest = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null},'.
'attribution : \'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://www.mapquest.com/" target="_blank">MapQuest</a> <img src="http://developer.mapquest.com/content/osm/mq_logo.png">,'.
' data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>\' '.
'}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerMapQuest); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldopentopo = ' var layerOpenTopo = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 18, '.
'attribution : \'map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors '.
'<a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>, '.
'<a href="http://viewfinderpanoramas.org">SRTM</a> | '.
'map style: © <a href="https://opentopomap.org">OpenTopoMap</a> '.
'<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>\','.
'tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null}}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerOpenTopo); '."\n";
// V1.3.2 added:
$ldopnv = ' var layerOPNV = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19, tileOptions : {crossOriginKeyword: null},'.
'attribution : \'tiles © <a href="http://memomaps.de/">MeMoMaps.de</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>,'.
' map data © <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">ODbl</a>'.
'}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerOPNV); '."\n";
/* nice, but license status unknown...
$ldcomic = ' var layerComicSans = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("'.
'{sphericalMercator: true, numZoomLevels: 19}); '.$mapvar.
'.addLayer(layerComicSans); '."\n";
// Google layers
$ldgooglephy =' var gphy = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
'",{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gphy); '."\n";
$ldgooglestr =' var gmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
'", {numZoomLevels: 20}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gmap); '."\n";
$ldgooglehyb =' var ghyb = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
'", {type: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID, numZoomLevels: 20}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(ghyb); '."\n";
$ldgooglesat =' var gsat = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("'.
'",{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE, numZoomLevels: 22}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(gsat); '."\n";
// map metrics and layer
$maplayer = $this->_params['maplayer'];
$maplayers = $this->_params['maplayers'];
// V1.3.1 support for up to three custom map layers
$ldcustom1 = '';
$ldcustom2 = '';
$ldcustom3 = '';
$ldcustom1fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer1.js';
$ldcustom2fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer2.js';
$ldcustom3fn = $plginpath.'CustomMapLayer3.js';
if (JFile::exists($ldcustom1fn))
{ $ldcustom1 = file_get_contents($ldcustom1fn);
$ldcustom1 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom1);
if (JFile::exists($ldcustom2fn))
{ $ldcustom2 = file_get_contents($ldcustom2fn);
$ldcustom2 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom2);
if (JFile::exists($ldcustom3fn))
{ $ldcustom3 = file_get_contents($ldcustom3fn);
$ldcustom3 = str_replace('%MAPVAR%',$mapvar,$ldcustom3);
// add the map layers, default layer first
switch ($maplayer)
{ case(1): $maplayerscode = $ldcycle; break;
case(2): $maplayerscode = $ldmapnikde; break;
case(3): $maplayerscode = $ldhikebike; break;
case(4): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglestr; } break; }
case(5): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglephy; } break; }
case(6): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglehyb; } break; }
case(7): { if ($enablegooglemaps==1) { $maplayerscode = $ldgooglesat; } break; }
case(8): { if ($ldcustom1=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom1fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom1; } break; }
case(9): { if ($ldcustom2=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom2fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom2; } break; }
case(10): { if ($ldcustom3=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom3fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode = $ldcustom3; } break; }
case(11): $maplayerscode = $ldtransport; break;
case(12): $maplayerscode = $ldlandscape; break;
case(13): $maplayerscode = $ldoutdoors; break;
case(14): $maplayerscode = $ldmapquest; break;
case(15): $maplayerscode = $ldopentopo; break;
case(16): $maplayerscode = $ldopnv; break;
default: $maplayerscode = $ldmapnik; break;
if (is_array($maplayers))
{ foreach ($maplayers as $ml)
{ switch ($ml)
{ case(0): { if (!($maplayer==0)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapnik; } break; }
case(1): { if (!($maplayer==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldcycle; } break; }
case(2): { if (!($maplayer==2)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapnikde;} break; }
case(3): { if (!($maplayer==3)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldhikebike;} break; }
case(4): { if (!($maplayer==4) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglestr; } break; } // 2013-02-16 fix - str & hyb exchanged
case(5): { if (!($maplayer==5) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglephy; } break; }
case(6): { if (!($maplayer==6) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglehyb; } break; }
case(7): { if (!($maplayer==7) and ($enablegooglemaps==1)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldgooglesat; } break; }
case(8): { if (!($maplayer==8))
{ if ($ldcustom1=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom1fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom1; } } break;
case(9): { if (!($maplayer==9))
{ if ($ldcustom2=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom2fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom2; } } break;
case(10): { if (!($maplayer==10))
{ if ($ldcustom3=='') { $this->_warnings .= '<h2 style="color: red;"><em>'.$ldcustom3fn.' does not exist or is empty.</em></h2>'."\n"; }
else { $maplayerscode .= $ldcustom3; } } break;
case(11): { if (!($maplayer==11)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldtransport;} break; }
case(12): { if (!($maplayer==12)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldlandscape;} break; }
case(13): { if (!($maplayer==13)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldoutdoors;} break; }
case(14): { if (!($maplayer==14)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldmapquest;} break; }
case(15): { if (!($maplayer==15)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldopentopo;} break; }
case(16): { if (!($maplayer==16)) { $maplayerscode .= $ldopnv;} break; }
$hillshading = '';
// V1.3.2 2014-12-21: Hillshading / HikeBikeMap on new server, numZoomLevels added
// so hillshading layer will be hidden on large zoom instead of showing pink tiles.
// This does not work in combination with Bing maps - the x/y/z get messed up, no idea why...
// OLD URL: http://toolserver.org/~cmarqu/hill/
if ($this->_params['maphillshading'] >= 1) {
$hillshading = 'var hillshading = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
'{type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, '."\n".
'isBaseLayer: false, numZoomLevels: 16, transparent: true, "visibility": true}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(hillshading); '."\n";
// adding a second hillshading layer makes the effect more intense.
if ($this->_params['maphillshading'] >= 2) {
$hillshading .= 'var hillshading2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("'.
'{type: \'png\', getURL: osm_getTileURL, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, '."\n".
'isBaseLayer: false, numZoomLevels: 16, transparent: true, "visibility": true}); '.$mapvar.'.addLayer(hillshading2); '."\n";
$markerpath = $this->_markers_dir;
// optional markers at the start and end of the track
$startmarkerfn = $this->markerFilename($this->_params['startmarker'],$this->_params['markerset']);
$endmarkerfn = $this->markerFilename($this->_params['endmarker' ],$this->_params['markerset']);
// if we have a marker, add the openlayer code to show it:
// V1.2.3 fix: ...OR if waypoint marker symbols are enabled, they are on the same layer!
if (($startmarkerfn=='') and ($endmarkerfn=='') and ($this->_params['wpshow'] == 0) and ($this->_params['wpsymbols'] == 0))
{ $markerlayer = '';
$markercode = ''; }
{ $markerlayer = ' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Marker"); '.
$mapvar.'.addLayer(layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'); ';
$markercode = '';
if (!($startmarkerfn==''))
{ $markercode .=
' var startpoint = this.features[0].geometry.components[0];'."\n".
' var startsize = new OpenLayers.Size(21, 25);'."\n".
' var startoffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(startsize.w/2), -startsize.h);'."\n".
' var starticon = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$markerpath.$startmarkerfn.'",startsize,startoffset);'."\n".
' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(startpoint.x, startpoint.y),starticon));'."\n";
if (!($endmarkerfn==''))
{ $markercode .=
' var endpoint = this.features[0].geometry.components[this.features[0].geometry.components.length-1];'."\n".
' var endsize = new OpenLayers.Size(21, 25);'."\n".
' var endoffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(endsize.w/2), -endsize.h);'."\n".
' var endicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$markerpath.$endmarkerfn.'",endsize,endoffset);'."\n".
' layerMarkers'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].'.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(endpoint.x, endpoint.y),endicon));'."\n";
switch ($this->_params['trackstyle'])
{ case(1): $trackdashstyle = '"dot"'; break;
case(2): $trackdashstyle = '"dash"'; break;
case(3): $trackdashstyle = '"dashdot"'; break;
case(4): $trackdashstyle = '"longdash"'; break;
case(5): $trackdashstyle = '"longdashdot"'; break;
default: $trackdashstyle = '"solid"';
switch ($this->_params['wpshow'])
{ case(1): $extractcode = 'extractWaypoints: true, extractRoutes: true, extractAttributes: true'; break;
default: $extractcode = 'extractWaypoints: false, extractRoutes: true, extractAttributes: true';
// mirger.nl
if ( isset($this->_params['center_x']) and isset($this->_params['center_y']))
$zoomcode = ' this.map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(' . $this->_params['center_x'] .',' . $this->_params['center_y'] .'), '. $this->_params['zoomlevel'] . '); ';
// mirger.nl
// V1.4.0: added option for fixed zoom level.
if (($this->_params['zoomlevel'] > 0) and ($this->_params['zoomlevel'])<=20)
$zoomcode = ' this.map.zoomToExtent(this.getDataExtent(),true);'; // needed to center the map
$zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomTo('.$this->_params['zoomlevel'].');'."\n";
} else {
// old behaviour (zoomlevel=0): This one will always auto-zoom on the track's extent:
$zoomcode = ' this.map.zoomToExtent(this.getDataExtent(),true);'; // 2nd param= zoom to closest level
// option to zoom back out one level when track is to "tight" in the boundaries of the auto-zoomed map.
// zoomout is actually a zoomDELTA param, where zoomout=2 will zoom out twice, while zoomout=-1 will zoom IN once.
// V1.1.4: fixed zoomout = 0 and 2nd for loop as provided by Amos.
if (($this->_params['zoomout'] != 0) and (($this->_params['zoomout'])>-15) and ($this->_params['zoomout'])<15) // sanity check
{ $lvl = $this->_params['zoomout'];
if ($lvl > 0)
{ for ($i=1; $i <= $lvl; $i++)
{ $zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomOut();'."\n"; } }
{ for ($i=-1; $i >= $lvl; $i--)
{ $zoomcode .= ' this.map.zoomIn();'."\n"; }
// mirger.nl
// mirger.nl
$ticode= '';
$edurl = '';
$spdurl = '';
// init
$this->_params['haseledata'] = 0;
$this->_params['hasspddata'] = 0;
$wptcode = '';
if (($this->_params['ti'] == 1) or ($this->_params['ed'] == 1) or ($this->_params['spd'] == 1) or ($this->_params['wpshow'] != 0))
$tivars = $this->getGpxFileInfo($gpx_dir,$gpx_file);
// V1.2.1 fix: if parsing found no <trk>, clear marker code:
if ($tivars[2] == 0) {
$markercode = '';
if (($this->_params['wpshow'] == 1) and ($tivars['wptcount'] > 0)) { // V1.2.2 fix: waypoints would show even when turned off
$wptcode = $this->makeWptCode($tivars['wptcount'],$tivars['wpts'],$mapvar,$_SESSION["gtmcount"]);
$edurl = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder.$tivars[0];
$spdurl = $this->_live_site.$this->_rootfolder.$tivars[1];
$edurl = $gpx_basepath.$tivars[0];
$spdurl = $gpx_basepath.$tivars[1];
} else {
$tivars = array();
// V1.3.0 allow selection of mootools or jQuery way of adding OnLoad events:
if ($this->params->get('usejquery',0) == 1) {
$windoweventcode = "jQuery(window).on('load',function()"; // jQuery
} else {
$windoweventcode = "window.addEvent('load',function()"; // mootools
$mapclass = 'gpxtrackmap'; // CSS class for the DIV tag the map is shown in
$gpxlayername = 'GPX Track';
// TODO: make mapclass and gpxlayername configurable
// V1.2.1 beta 3 fix: replace blanks in gpx path with %20 for openlayers URL to the track
$gpx_path = str_replace(' ', '%20', $gpx_path);
// V1.3.3: fullscreen controls
$fsctrls = '';
$fsctrlsfn = '';
if ( $this->_params['mapfullscreen'] == 1 ) {
if ($this->_params['mappan'] == 1) {
$fsctrlsfn = $plginpath.'fullscreencontrols_navbar.html';
} else {
$fsctrlsfn = $plginpath.'fullscreencontrols_buttons.html';
if (file_exists($fsctrlsfn))
$fsctrls = file_get_contents($fsctrlsfn);
$scripttext = $scripttext."\n".$fsctrls;
// placeholders in the script template:
// what they will be replaced with:
$repl = array($mapvar,$gpx_path,$nomousewheelzoom,$maplayerscode,$markerlayer,$gpxlayername,
JTEXT::_("PLG_CONTENT_GTM_MAPFULLSCREEN_EXIT")); // V1.3.3 fullscreen toggle
// replace all the placeholders in the openlayer script template with the params:
$mapcode = str_replace($srch,$repl,$scripttext);
$mapcode .= '<div class="'.$mapclass.'"';
if (($this->_params['mapwidth']!='0') OR ($this->_params['mapheight']!='0')) {
$mapcode .= ' style="';
if ($this->_params['mapwidth']!='0') {
$mapcode .= 'width:'.$this->_params['mapwidth'].'; ';
if ($this->_params['mapheight']!='0') {
$mapcode .= 'height:'.$this->_params['mapheight'].'; ';
$mapcode .= '"';
$mapcode .= ' id="'.$mapvar.'"></div>';
// optional track infos
$tiplaceholders = array(// placeholders for the track info
// elevation diagram
$edcode = '';
if (($this->_params['ed'] == 1) and ($this->_params['haseledata'] == 1)) {
$edwidth = $this->_params['edwidth'];
$edheight = $this->_params['edheight'];
$edcode = '<img class="gpxtrackdiagram" src="'.$edurl.'"';
if (($edwidth!='0') OR ($edheight!='0')) {
$edcode .= ' style="';
if ($edwidth!='0') {
$edcode .= 'width:'.$edwidth.' ! important; ';
if ($edheight!='0') {
$edcode .= ' height:'.$edheight.' ! important;';
$edcode .= '"';
$edcode .= "/>"."\n";
// speed diagram
$spdcode = '';
if (($this->_params['spd'] == 1) and ($this->_params['hasspddata'] == 1)) {
$spdwidth = $this->_params['spdwidth'];
$spdheight = $this->_params['spdheight'];
$spdcode = '<img class="gpxspeeddiagram" src="'.$spdurl.'"';
if (($spdwidth!='0') OR ($spdheight!='0')) {
$spdcode .= ' style="';
if ($spdwidth!='0') {
$spdcode .= ' width:'.$spdwidth.' ! important;';
if ($spdheight!='0') {
$spdcode .= ' height:'.$spdheight.' ! important;';
$spdcode .= '"';
$spdcode .= "/>"."\n";
// optional download link for the gpx file:
$dlcode = '';
if ($this->_params['dl'] == 1)
if ($this->_params['dlzip']==1)
{ $zip_fn = $this->ziptrackfile($this->_rootfolder,$gpx_file);
if ($zip_fn)
{ $gpx_path = $this->_live_site.$zip_fn; } // otherwise (sthg went wrong zipping) leave .gpx file...
$dltext = str_replace('%s',basename($gpx_path),$this->_params['dltext']);
$cssstyle = '';
if (!($this->_params['dlstyle']==''))
{ $cssstyle = ' style="'.$this->_params['dlstyle'].'"'; }
// problem if you don't use the zip option: click on button will leave the page and show the gpx file contents in the browser.
// if text link is used, it will at least open it in a new tab, but still display the file contents. hmmm.
/* if ($this->_params['dltype']==0) // text link
{ $dlcode = '<div class="'.$this->_params['dlclass'].'"'.$cssstyle.'>'.
'<a href="'.$gpx_path.'" type="application/gpx+xml" download="'.$gpx_file.'" target="_blank">'.$dltext.'</a></div>';
//v1.2.3 the MIMEtype and download clause _should_ force browsers to download the gpx file instead of displaying it,
// but this still doesn't work in all browsers. So it's still best to use the ZIP option...
} else {
$dlcode = '<form class="'.$this->_params['dlclass'].'"'.$cssstyle.'><input type="button" value="'.$dltext.'" '.
'onclick="window.location.href='."'".$gpx_path."'".'" /></form>';
} */
// mirger.nl this is specific for my mirger.nl, get rid of it in the next version of gpxtrackmap!!!!
$overzicht = substr(JURI::current(),0,strrpos(JURI::current(),"/"));
if ($this->_params['dltype']==0) // text link
$dlcode = '<ul class="pagenav"><li class="pagenav-prev"><a href="'.$gpx_path.'" type="application/gpx+xml" download="'.$gpx_file.'" target="_blank">'.$dltext.'</a></li>  ';
$dlcode .= '<li class="pagenav-next"><a href="' . $overzicht . '">Overzichtskaart van onze wandelingen</a></li></ul>';
} else {
$dlcode = '<form class="'.$this->_params['dlclass'].'"'.$cssstyle.'><input type="button" value="'.$dltext.'" '.
'onclick="window.location.href='."'" .$gpx_path ."'".'" /> <input type="button" value="Overzichtskaart van onze wandelingen" '.
'onclick="window.location.href='."'" .$overzicht ."'".'" /></form>';
// mirger.nl
// now place the different parts (map, trackinfos, elevation diagram, download link) into the html template:
$gtmcode = $tpltext;
// replace placeholders for the track info elements
$gtmcode = str_replace($tiplaceholders,$tivars,$gtmcode );
// replace placeholders for the map, elevation diagram, speed diagram and download link
$vars = array($mapcode,$edcode,$spdcode,$dlcode);
$gtmcode = str_replace($placeholders,$vars,$gtmcode );
$gtmcode = '<!-- GPXTrackmap '.$this->_gtmversion.' #'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' START -->'."\n".$gtmcode."\n".'<!-- GPXTrackmap #'.$_SESSION["gtmcount"].' END -->'."\n";
} // if !gpxfile exists..else
// ok - ready for injection:
if ((!$this->_warnings=='') AND ($this->_params['showwarnings']==1)) // V1.3.1 option to turn off warnings
{ $gtmcode = '<p style="color:yellow; background:red;">'.
'GPXTrackMap plugin warnings:<br />'.
$this->_warnings.'</p>'.$gtmcode; }
$regex = "@(<p>)?{gpxtrackmap}".$gpx_code."{/gpxtrackmap}(</p>)?@s";
// replace the invoking code with the openlayer js code
// and the DIV for the map in the article text:
$article->text = preg_replace($regex, $gtmcode, $article->text);
unset($gpx_array); // for next loop if we have multiple maps on the page
$this->_warnings = '';
} // foreach match
} // if <matches found>
private function collectParams()
$names = array(
// expand any preset in the call to its full set of params
// add in everything that was not in the invocation OR in any of the templates from the back-end params - that is, apply defaults:
foreach ($names as $name)
{ if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_params))
{ $this->_params[$name] = $this->params->get($name); }
private function expandPresets(&$syntaxparams,$backendpresets,$paramnames)
// preset expansion: presets are processed one by one, param by param
// when multiple presets are used, the last found setting will "win" -
// but individual settings in the call will always win over any preset setting(!)
$presets = explode("\n",$backendpresets);
foreach ($syntaxparams as $key => $value)
if (($key=='preset') or ($key=='ps')) // $value holds a single preset name OR "tname1-tname2-tname3"
$psetcalls = explode('-',$value); // preset=t1-t2-t3 -> [t1] [t2] [t3]
foreach ($psetcalls as $psetcall) // apply each preset in the order of appearance
$psetcall = strtolower(trim($psetcall));
$tfound = 0;
foreach ($presets as $presetline) // test each preset call against each preset we have
if (trim($presetline) !== '') {
$p = strpos($presetline,':'); // split preset line into preset name and params: where's the ":"??
if ($p === false) // "presets" lines from the backend must have "<name>:<params>" syntax, or it all won't work!
{ $this->_warnings .= 'Syntax error in preset: '.$presetline.'<br />'."\n"; }
{ $psetname = strtolower(trim(substr($presetline,0,$p))); //TODO: strtolower:OK, but trim+substr? REQUIRED??
$psetparams = substr($presetline,$p+1,strlen($presetline)); // see above...
if ($psetname==$psetcall) // gotcha! we found (one line of) our preset, apply its params!
$tfound += 1;
$tparams_values = explode(',',$psetparams); // preset params into "key=value" strings
foreach($tparams_values as $tparam_value)
{ $key_value = explode('=',$tparam_value); // "key=value" into array[2]
$spname = strtolower(trim($key_value[0]));
// V1.1.4 fix: individual params should win over preset params, so only use
// the preset param if there was no other setting in the invocation:
if (!array_key_exists($spname, $syntaxparams)) {
$syntaxparams[$spname] = trim($key_value[1]);
} //foreach presetline we have
if ($tfound==0)
{ $this->_warnings .= 'unknown preset called: "'.$psetcall.'"<br />'."\n"; }
} // foreach preset call we found
} else
{ // $key was sthg. else than "preset" or "t":
// reverse check here to see if there's any misspelled or unknown parameters in the params from the call:
if (!in_array($key,$paramnames))
{ $this->_warnings .= 'unknown parameter: "'.$key.'"'."\n"; }
private function getGpxFileInfo($filepath,$filename)
$lat = array();
$lon = array();
$ele = array();
$dist = array();
$distdelta = array(); // in km: distance delta between two trackpoints
$tim = array();
$speed = array(); // in km/h
$hr = array(); // heart rate
$cad = array(); // cadence
$atemp = array(); // temperature
$wpts = array(); // waypoints
$n = 0;
// get all the waypoint's data: min/max elevation, start and end time, coords
$found_ele = 0; // flags if we found any elevation tags
$found_time = 0; // flags if we found any time tags
$found_wpts = 0;
// V1.2.1 fix: properly initialize speeds, the may be left undefined otherwise:
$avgspeeddown_kmh = '';
$avgspeeddown_mph = '';
$avgspeeddown_kn = '';
$avgspeedup_kmh = '';
$avgspeedup_mph = '';
$avgspeedup_kn = '';
/* work in progress: read heart rate, cadence and temperature curves
$found_hr = 0; // flags if we found any heart rate (hr) tags in TrackPointExtension subtags
$found_cad = 0; // flags if we found any cadence (cad) tags
$found_atemp = 0; // flags if we found any cadence (cad) tags
$ts = 0;
if (! JFile::exists($filepath.$filename))
return array ();
/* 2016-12-27 added "@" to suppress gpxx Namespace Warnings thrown by simplexml_load_file */
$gpx = @simplexml_load_file($filepath.$filename);
$starttime = 0;
$endtime = 0;
foreach ($gpx->trk as $trk) {
//V1.2.5 auto track color from Garmin files
// <extensions>
// <gpxx:TrackExtension>
// <gpxx:DisplayColor>DarkGray</gpxx:DisplayColor>
// </gpxx:TrackExtension>
// </extensions>
// if ($this->_params['trackcolor']=='auto') {
// foreach ($trk->extensions as $trkexts) {
// foreach ($trkexts->gpxx:TrackExtension as $trkext) {
// }
// }
// }
foreach ($trk->trkseg as $trkseg) {
foreach ($trkseg->trkpt as $tpt) {
$attrs = $tpt->attributes();
$lat[$n] = (float)$attrs['lat'];
$lon[$n] = (float)$attrs['lon'];
if ((float)$tpt->ele != 0) {
$ele[$n] = (float)$tpt->ele;
$found_ele = 1;
} else {
$ele[$n] = 0;
$ts = $tpt->time;
if ((string)$ts != '') {
$found_time = 1;
$tim[$n] = $this->getGPXTime($ts); // V1.1.4
} else {
$tim[$n] = 0;
if ($n == 0) {
$minele_m = $ele[$n];
$maxele_m = $ele[$n];
$starttime = $this->getGPXTime($ts);
} else {
if ($ele[$n] < $minele_m) { $minele_m = $ele[$n]; }
if ($ele[$n] > $maxele_m) { $maxele_m = $ele[$n]; }
// V1.1.4 experimental: read temp, heart rate, cadence from Strava GPX file
foreach ($tpt->extensions as $tpext) {
foreach ($tpext->children('gpxtpx',TRUE) as $gpxtpx) { // <gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>
foreach ($gpxtpx->children('gpxtpx',TRUE) as $gpxtpxelement) {
switch ($gpxtpxelement->getName())
case ('hr') : $hr[$n] = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_hr = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:hr>
case ('cad') : $cad[$n] = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_cad = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:cad>
case ('atemp'): $atemp[$n] = (float)$gpxtpxelement; $found_atemp = 1; break; // <gpxtpx:atemp>
if ($n > 0) {
$endtime = $this->getGPXTime($ts);
// read Waypoint data if popups are activated
$wptcount = 0;
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] !== 0)
foreach ($gpx->wpt as $wpt) {
$found_wpts = 1;
$attrs = $wpt->attributes();
$wptlat = (float)$attrs['lat'];
$wptlon = (float)$attrs['lon'];
if ((string)$wpt->time != '') {
$wpttime = $this->getGPXTime($wpt->time);
} else {
$wpttime = '';
if ((string)$wpt->ele != '') {
$wptele = (float)$wpt->ele;
} else {
$wptele = '';
if ((string)$wpt->sym != '') {
$wptsym = (string)$wpt->sym; // 'Flag, Green' or similar - currently not used
} else {
$wptsym = '';
$wptname = (string)$wpt->name;
$wptdesc = strtr((string)$wpt->desc,'"','\"');
if ($wptdesc == '') {
$wptdesc = strtr((string)$wpt->description,'"','\"');
//V1.2.3: since Basecamp doesn't allow HTML in waypoint descriptions,
// BBCode can allow at least some basic formatting:
if ($this->_params['wppopupdescbb'] == 1) {
$bbcode = array(
"/\[br\]/is" => "<br />",
"/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/is" => "<strong>$1</strong>",
"/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/is" => "<u>$1</u>",
"/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/is" => "<i>$1</i>",
"/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is" => "<pre>$1</pre>",
"/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is" => "<blockquote>$1</blockquote>",
"/\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/is" => "<a href='$1' target='_self'>$2</a>",
// mirger.nl The width of an image should not be larder than the maximum width of the popup??
"/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/is" => "<img width=240px src='$1' alt='' />"
// mirger.nl
$wptdesc = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $wptdesc);
$wptlinks = '';
$linkno = 1;
foreach ($wpt->link as $wptlink) {
$attrs = $wptlink->attributes();
$wpthref = (string)$attrs['href'];
$wptlinks .= $wpthref."\n";
if ($this->_params['wppopupdescbb'] == 1) {
$bbcode = array(
"/\[link".$linkno."\](.*?)\[\/link".$linkno."\]/is" => "<a href='".$wpthref."' target='_blank'>$1</a>");
$wptdesc = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $wptdesc);
$linkno += 1;
$wpts[] = array('lat' => $wptlat,
'lon' => $wptlon,
'ele' => $wptele,
'time' => $wpttime,
'name' => $wptname,
'desc' => $wptdesc,
'sym' => $wptsym,
'links' => $wptlinks);
$wptcount += 1;
// calculate the track length
// source: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Aighes/GPX-Track_auf_Website
$r0 = 6371.0; // earth radius in [km]
$distance_km = 0.0;
$duration_moving = 0;
$duration_paused = 0;
if ($n > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
$a = 0;
$b = 0;
$c = 0;
$distdelta[$i] = 0.0;
$speed[$i] = 0.0;
if (($lat[$i] !== $lat[$i+1]) and ($lon[$i] !== $lon[$i+1])) {
$a = deg2rad(90.0 - $lat[$i]);
$b = deg2rad(90.0 - $lat[$i+1]);
$gamma = deg2rad(abs($lon[$i+1] - $lon[$i]));
$c = $r0 * acos(cos($a)*cos($b) + sin($a)*sin($b)*cos($gamma));
$distdelta[$i] = $c;
$distance_km += $c;
// the speed calculation is problematic when the trackpoint recording frequency is high,
// since the timestamps only resolve to seconds.
if ($found_time == 1) {
if ((abs($tim[$i]-$tim[$i+1])>1) and ($c != 0.0)) {
$speed[$i] = $c / ($tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i]) * 60 * 60;
} else {
// if distance is less or equal 1s, try to use the trackpoint before the current one to have better accuracy.
// not an optimal solution either, but better than calculating with 1s intervals...
if (($i>0) and (abs($tim[$i-1]-$tim[$i+1])>1) and ($c != 0.0)) {
$speed[$i] = ($distdelta[$i-1]+$c) / ($tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i-1]) * 60 * 60;
if ($speed[$i] > $this->_params['timovespeed']) { // default: 2.0 km/h
$duration_moving += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
} else {
$duration_paused += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
$dist[$i] = $distance_km;
// fill up last array indexes:
$dist[$n-1] = $distance_km;
$distdelta[$n-1] = 0.0;
$speed[$n-1] = 0.0;
$dist[$n] = $distance_km;
$distdelta[$n] = 0.0;
$speed[$n] = 0.0;
// anti-alias speed:
if ($this->_params['spdfilterorder'] > 1) {
$speed = $this->filterSignal($speed,$n,$this->_params['spdfilterorder']);
} // if n>0
$m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
$kmh_mph = 1 / 1.609;
$kmh_kn = 1 / 1.852;
// average distance of two trackpoints
// fix for error reported by Steve in the forum on 2013-02-13: GPX files w/o any waypoints
// can report $n = 0, that again would cause a "div by 0" error in the following:
if ($n>0) {
$tpdistance_m = round($distance_km / $n * 1000,2);
} else {
$tpdistance_m = 0;
$tpdistance_ft = round($tpdistance_m * $m_ft,2);
// round distances - more precision would be pretentious :-)
$distance_mi = round($distance_km * $kmh_mph, 1);
$distance_nm = round($distance_km * $kmh_kn, 1); // V1.1.4 added nautical miles
$distance_km = round($distance_km, 1);
$maxspeed_kmh = 0.0;
for ($i=0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeed_kmh) {
$maxspeed_kmh = $speed[$i];
// V1.1.4: same for the max. speed
$maxspeed_mph = round($maxspeed_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
$maxspeed_kn = round($maxspeed_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
$maxspeed_kmh = round($maxspeed_kmh, 1);
// add up/down meters
$maxspeedup_kmh = 0.0;
$maxspeeddown_kmh = 0.0;
if ($found_ele == 1)
$up_m = 0.0;
$down_m = 0.0;
$timeup = 0; // seconds
$timedown = 0;
$distup = 0.0; // km
$distdown = 0.0;
// Note: summing up the up/down deltas is not a very good way to calculate the up/down meters, if the elevation data has
// a lot of "jitter" or "ripple" - so the results will not be very exact.
// one option is to use tools like GPSBabel to filter the GPX track to get better accuracy.
// in a first attempt we can do some optional "anti-aliasing" of rippled elevation data with a filter of a given order:
// (note: Garmin Basecamp e.g. doesn't do any filtering here and happily reports the same values as with order 0 or 1 (= no filtering).
// Magic Maps even reports MORE up/down meters (?!?) than the simple delta addition... no idea how they come up with THAT...)
if ($this->_params['edfilterorder'] > 1) {
$ele = $this->filterSignal($ele,$n,$this->_params['edfilterorder']);
for ($i=0; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
if ($ele[$i] < $ele[$i+1]) {
$up_m += $ele[$i+1] - $ele[$i];
if ($found_time == 1) {
if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeedup_kmh) {
$maxspeedup_kmh = $speed[$i];
$timeup += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
$distup += $distdelta[$i];
if ($ele[$i] > $ele[$i+1]) {
$down_m += $ele[$i] - $ele[$i+1];
if ($found_time == 1) {
if ($speed[$i] > $maxspeeddown_kmh) {
$maxspeeddown_kmh = $speed[$i];
$timedown += $tim[$i+1]-$tim[$i];
$distdown += $distdelta[$i];
if (($timedown>0) and ($distdown>0.0)) {
$avgspeeddown_kmh = $distdown / $timedown * 60 * 60;
$avgspeeddown_mph = round($avgspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
$avgspeeddown_kn = round($avgspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
$avgspeeddown_kmh = round($avgspeeddown_kmh, 1);
if (($timeup>0) and ($distup>0.0)) {
$avgspeedup_kmh = $distup / $timeup * 60 * 60;
$avgspeedup_mph = round($avgspeedup_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
$avgspeedup_kn = round($avgspeedup_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
$avgspeedup_kmh = round($avgspeedup_kmh, 1);
$maxspeedup_mph = round($maxspeedup_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
$maxspeedup_kn = round($maxspeedup_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
$maxspeedup_kmh = round($maxspeedup_kmh, 1);
$maxspeeddown_mph = round($maxspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_mph, 1);
$maxspeeddown_kn = round($maxspeeddown_kmh * $kmh_kn, 1);
$maxspeeddown_kmh = round($maxspeeddown_kmh, 1);
// round all elevations - don't pretend better accuracy than there actually is...
$up_m = round($up_m);
$down_m = round($down_m);
$minele_m = round($minele_m);
$maxele_m = round($maxele_m);
$deltaele_m = round($maxele_m-$minele_m);
$up_ft = round($up_m * $m_ft);
$down_ft = round($down_m * $m_ft);
$minele_ft = round($minele_m * $m_ft);
$maxele_ft = round($maxele_m * $m_ft);
$deltaele_ft = round( ($maxele_m-$minele_m) * $m_ft);
//v1.2.3 fix: clear vars if ti=0
if ( ($found_ele != 1) or ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) ) {
$down_m = "n/a";
$up_m = "n/a";
$minele_m = "n/a";
$maxele_m = "n/a";
$deltaele_m = "n/a";
$down_ft = "n/a";
$up_ft = "n/a";
$minele_ft = "n/a";
$maxele_ft = "n/a";
$deltaele_ft = "n/a";
$avgspeedup_kmh = "n/a";
$avgspeeddown_kmh = "n/a";
$avgspeedup_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeeddown_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeedup_kn = "n/a";
$avgspeeddown_kn = "n/a";
$maxspeedup_kmh = "n/a";
$maxspeeddown_kmh = "n/a";
$maxspeedup_mph = "n/a";
$maxspeeddown_mph = "n/a";
$maxspeedup_kn = "n/a";
$maxspeeddown_kn = "n/a";
if ($found_time == 1) {
$starttimestr = strftime($this->_params['tidatefmt'],$starttime);
$endtimestr = strftime($this->_params['tidatefmt'],$endtime);
$durationstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$endtime-$starttime);
$durationmovingstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$duration_moving);
$durationpausedstr = strftime($this->_params['titimefmt'],$duration_paused);
if ($endtime !== $starttime) { // avoids div by 0
$avgspeed_kmh = round($distance_km / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
$avgspeed_mph = round($distance_mi / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
$avgspeed_kn = round($distance_nm / ($endtime-$starttime) * 60 * 60,1);
} else {
$avgspeed_kmh = "n/a";
$avgspeed_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeed_kn = "n/a";
if ($duration_moving > 0) { // avoids div by 0
$avgspeedmoving_kmh = round($distance_km / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
$avgspeedmoving_mph = round($distance_mi / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
$avgspeedmoving_kn = round($distance_nm / ($duration_moving) * 60 * 60,1);
} else {
$avgspeedmoving_kmh = "n/a";
$avgspeedmoving_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeedmoving_kn = "n/a";
if ( ($found_time != 1) or ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) ) {
$starttimestr = "n/a";
$endtimestr = "n/a";
$durationstr = "n/a";
$durationmovingstr = "n/a"; // V1.2.0 beta 2 fix
$durationpausedstr = "n/a";
$avgspeed_kmh = "n/a";
$avgspeed_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeed_kn = "n/a";
$avgspeedmoving_kmh = "n/a"; // V1.2.0 beta 2 fix
$avgspeedmoving_mph = "n/a";
$avgspeedmoving_kn = "n/a";
$maxspeed_kmh = "n/a";
$maxspeed_mph = "n/a";
$maxspeed_kn = "n/a";
if (($found_ele == 1) and ($this->_params['ed'] == 1)) {
$this->_params['haseledata'] = 1;
// V1.1.4: option to show units in m or ft in elevation diagram
$elediagfn = $this->renderDiagram($dist,$ele,$n,$minele_m,$maxele_m,$distance_km,$this->_params['edunits'],$filepath,$filename,'',
if ($elediagfn == "") {
$this->_warnings .= 'Unable to write svg file into folder '.$filepath.'. Please check write permissions!'."\n";
} else {
$elediagfn = '';
// V1.1.4: option to show speed diagram
if (($found_time == 1) and ($this->_params['spd'] == 1)) {
$this->_params['hasspddata'] = 1;
$spddiagfn = $this->renderDiagram($dist,$speed,$n,0.0,$maxspeed_kmh,$distance_km,$this->_params['spdunits'],$filepath,$filename,'_speed',
} else {
$spddiagfn = '';
$sep = $this->_params['tidecimalsep'];
if ($sep !== '.') {
$distance_km = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_km);
$distance_mi = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_mi);
$distance_nm = str_replace('.',$sep,$distance_nm);
$up_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$up_m);
$down_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$down_m);
$minele_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$minele_m);
$maxele_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxele_m);
$deltaele_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$deltaele_m);
$up_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$up_ft);
$down_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$down_ft);
$minele_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$minele_ft);
$maxele_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxele_ft);
$deltaele_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$deltaele_ft);
$avgspeed_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_kmh);
$avgspeed_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_mph);
$avgspeed_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeed_kn);
$avgspeedup_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_kmh);
$avgspeedup_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_mph);
$avgspeedup_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedup_kn);
$avgspeeddown_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_kmh);
$avgspeeddown_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_mph);
$avgspeeddown_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeeddown_kn);
$avgspeedmoving_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_kmh);
$avgspeedmoving_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_mph);
$avgspeedmoving_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$avgspeedmoving_kn);
$maxspeed_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_kmh);
$maxspeed_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_mph);
$maxspeed_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeed_kn);
$maxspeedup_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_kmh);
$maxspeedup_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_mph);
$maxspeedup_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeedup_kn);
$maxspeeddown_kmh = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_kmh);
$maxspeeddown_mph = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_mph);
$maxspeeddown_kn = str_replace('.',$sep,$maxspeeddown_kn);
$tpdistance_m = str_replace('.',$sep,$tpdistance_m);
$tpdistance_ft = str_replace('.',$sep,$tpdistance_ft);
// v1.2.3 fix: clear track infos if ti=0
if ($this->_params['ti'] != 1) {
$tpdistance_m = "n/a";
$tpdistance_ft = "n/a";
$distance_km = "n/a";
$distance_nm = "n/a";
$distance_mi = "n/a";
$n = "n/a";
return array (
$starttimestr, // $starttime,
$endtimestr, // $endtime,
$durationstr, // $endtime-$starttime
'wptcount' => $wptcount,
'wpts' => $wpts);
private function expandWptSymbolFn($symbolfn)
$templateDir = $this->_live_site.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
$dirs = array(substr($this->_plugin_dir,0,-1),
//echo("PluginDir:".$dirs[0]."<br />");
//echo("GPXDir:".$dirs[1]."<br />");
//echo("TemplateDir:".$dirs[2]."<br />");
$phs = array('%PLUGINDIR%','%GPXDIR%','%TEMPLATEDIR%');
// replace %TEMPLATES% placeholder in filenames with the plugin dir path
$symfn = str_replace($phs,$dirs,$symbolfn);
$symfn = strtr( $symfn , '\\', '/');
return $symfn;
private function getWptSymbolFn($symbol,&$symbolwidth,&$symbolheight,&$offsetleft,&$offsettop)
//todo: make default icon size configurable
$symbolwidth = 16;
$symbolheight = 16;
// find symbol in mappings
$mappings = explode("\n",$this->params->get('wpsymbolmappings'));
// mappings in this format: symbol name["|"symbol name["|"symbolname]]=image file[","image width[","image height]]
// Example: Water source|Picninc area=%GPXDIR%/icons/myicon.png,24,24
$defaultsymbolfn = '%PLUGINDIR%/markers/waypointmarker16.png';
foreach ($mappings as $mapping) {
$parts = explode('=',$mapping);
$syms = explode('|',$parts[0]);
foreach ($syms as $sym) {
if ($sym == $symbol) {
$syminfo = explode(',',$parts[1]);
$symfn = $this->expandWptSymbolFn($syminfo[0]);
if (isset($syminfo[1]) and ($syminfo[1] != '')) {
$symbolwidth = $syminfo[1];
if (isset($syminfo[2]) and ($syminfo[2] != '')) {
$symbolheight = $syminfo[2];
if (isset($syminfo[3]) and ($syminfo[3] != '')) {
$offsetleft = $syminfo[3];
if (isset($syminfo[4]) and ($syminfo[4] != '')) {
$offsettop = $syminfo[4];
return $symfn;
} elseif ($sym == '*') { // "*" is used if no other match was found
$syminfo = explode(',',$parts[1]);
$defaultsymbolfn = $this->expandWptSymbolFn($syminfo[0]);
if (isset($syminfo[1]) and ($syminfo[1] != '')) {
$symbolwidth = $syminfo[1];
if (isset($syminfo[2]) and ($syminfo[2] != '')) {
$symbolheight = $syminfo[2];
if (isset($syminfo[3]) and ($syminfo[3] != '')) {
$offsetleft = $syminfo[3];
if (isset($syminfo[4]) and ($syminfo[4] != '')) {
$offsettop = $syminfo[4];
return $this->expandWptSymbolFn($defaultsymbolfn);
private function makeWptCode($wptcount,$wpts,$mapvar,$mapno)
$s = "\n"."var toMercator = OpenLayers.Projection.transforms['EPSG:4326']['EPSG:3857'];"."\n".
"var features = [];"."\n";
if ((!is_numeric($this->_params['wppopupwidth'])) or ($this->_params['wppopupwidth'] <= 0)) {
$this->_params['wppopupwidth'] = 300;
if ((!is_numeric($this->_params['wppopupheight'])) or ($this->_params['wppopupheight'] <= 0)) {
$this->_params['wppopupheight'] = 300;
$popupsize = $this->_params['wppopupwidth'].','.$this->_params['wppopupheight'];
if ($this->_params['wpsymbols'] != 0)
// V1.2.3: add waypoint symbols
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) {
// OnClick-handler for the Waypoint symbols
$s .= 'var wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.' = function (evt) {'."\n";
$s .= ' if (this.popup == null) {'."\n";
$s .= ' this.popup = this.createPopup(this.closeBox);'."\n";
//todo: make max size configurable!
$s .= ' this.popup.maxSize = new OpenLayers.Size('.$popupsize.');'."\n";
$s .= ' map'.$mapno.'.addPopup(this.popup);'."\n";
$s .= ' this.popup.show();'."\n";
$s .= ' } else {'."\n";
$s .= ' this.popup.toggle();'."\n";
$s .= ' }'."\n";
$s .= ' currentPopup = this.popup;'."\n";
$s .= ' OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);'."\n";
$s .= '};'."\n";
for ($i=0; $i < $wptcount; $i++)
// if ($wpts[$i]['sym'] !== '') {
// assemble code for Waypoint Symbol marker and optional popup
$symbolwidth = 24;
$symbolheight= 24;
$offsetleft = 0; // offset to top-left corner of the "hot spot"
$offsettop = 0;
$wptsymbolfn = $this->getWptSymbolFn($wpts[$i]['sym'],$symbolwidth,$symbolheight,$offsetleft,$offsettop);
$s .= "\n";
$s .= ' var wptsize'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Size('.$symbolwidth.','.$symbolheight.');'."\n";
if (($offsetleft != 0) AND ($offsettop != 0)) {
$s .= ' var wptoffset'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-('.$offsetleft.'), -('.$offsettop.'));'."\n";
} else {
// if no offsets supplied, use the center of the symbol like Basecamp does:
$s .= ' var wptoffset'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(wptsize'.$i.'.w/2), -wptsize'.$i.'.h/2);'."\n";
$s .= ' var wpticon'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Icon("'.$wptsymbolfn.'",'."\n";
$s .= ' wptsize'.$i.',wptoffset'.$i.');'."\n";
$s .= ' wptgeo'.$i.' = toMercator(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point('.$wpts[$i]['lon'].','.$wpts[$i]['lat'].'));'."\n";
$s .= ' wptll'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString(wptgeo'.$i.'.toShortString()); '."\n";
$s .= ' var wptfeature'.$i.' = new OpenLayers.Feature(layerMarkers'.$mapno.', wptll'.$i.');'."\n";
$s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.icon = wpticon'.$i.';'."\n";
$s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.closeBox = true;'."\n";
$s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud;'."\n";
// now assemble the html code for the popup. Sadly, this works quite different then
// with the Geometry layer (code below in ELSE branch, so a lot of this code is _almost_
// duplicate compared to the code there...
$wpthtml = "";
$wptname = $wpts[$i]['name'];
$wptele = '';
if (($this->_params['wppopupele'] !== 0) AND ($wpts[$i]['ele'] != ''))
$e = $wpts[$i]['ele'];
if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'ft') {
$m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
$e = $e * $m_ft;
$wptele = ' ('.round($e).' ft)';
if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'm') {
$wptele = ' ('.round($e).' m)';
if (($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'] != '0') AND ((integer)$wpts[$i]['time'] != 0))
$t = strftime($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'],(integer)$wpts[$i]['time']);
$wpttime= '<br />'.$t;
} else {
$wpttime= '';
if (($this->_params['wppopupdesc'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['desc'] != ''))
$d = nl2br((string)$wpts[$i]['desc']);
// the attribute text may not contain carriage returns or linefeeds:
$d = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r|\n/', '', $d);
$wptdesc = '<br />'.$d;
} else {
$wptdesc = '';
if (($this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['links'] != ''))
$wptlinks = '<br />';
$l = explode("\n",(string)$wpts[$i]['links']);
$n = 1;
foreach ($l as $lnk) {
if (trim($lnk) != '') {
$d = str_replace('%N%',$n,$this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt']);
if ($n>1) { $wptlinks .= ' '; }
$wptlinks .= '<a href=\''.$lnk.'\' target=\'_blank\'>'.$d.'</a>';
$n += 1;
} else {
$wptlinks = '';
$wpthtml =
"<div style='font-size:.8em'>".
"<span class='gpxwptname'>".$wptname."</span>".
"<span class='gpxwptele'>".$wptele."</span>".
"<span class='gpxwpttime'>".$wpttime."</span>".
"<span class='gpxwpdesc'>".$wptdesc."</span>".
"<span class='gpxwplinks'>".$wptlinks."</span></div>";
$wpthtml = '"'.$wpthtml.'"';
$s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.popupContentHTML = '.$wpthtml.';'."\n";
$s .= ' wptfeature'.$i.'.data.overflow = "auto";'."\n";
$s .= ' var wptmarker'.$i.' = wptfeature'.$i.'.createMarker(); '."\n";
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] == 1) {
$evt = '"mouseover"';
} else {
$evt = '"mousedown"';
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) {
$s .= ' wptmarker'.$i.'.events.register('.$evt.', wptfeature'.$i.', wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.');'."\n";
// V1.4.1 added for touchevents in mobile/tablet browsers
$s .= ' wptmarker'.$i.'.events.register("touchstart", wptfeature'.$i.', wptmarkerClick'.$mapno.');'."\n";
$s .= ' layerMarkers'.$mapno.'.addMarker(wptmarker'.$i.');'."\n";
} else { // no symbols (Graphics), but dots (Geometry layer)
// add each waypoint as vector feature to separate vector layer
for ($i=0; $i < $wptcount; $i++)
$w = "\n".
'features['.$i.'] = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(toMercator(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point('.
'{ ';
$w .= // attributes for the popup
'wptname: "'.$wpts[$i]['name'].'", ';
$wptele = '';
if (($this->_params['wppopupele'] !== 0) AND ($wpts[$i]['ele'] != ''))
$e = $wpts[$i]['ele'];
if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'ft') {
$m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
$e = $e * $m_ft;
$wptele = ' ('.round($e).' ft)';
if ($this->_params['wppopupele'] == 'm') {
$wptele = ' ('.round($e).' m)';
if ($wptele == '') {
$w .= 'wptele: "", ';
} else {
$w .= 'wptele: "'.$wptele.'", ';
if (($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'] != '0') AND ((integer)$wpts[$i]['time'] != 0))
$t = strftime($this->_params['wppopuptimefmt'],(integer)$wpts[$i]['time']);
$w .= 'wpttime: "<br />'.$t.'", ';
} else {
$w .= 'wpttime: "", ';
if (($this->_params['wppopupdesc'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['desc'] != ''))
$d = nl2br((string)$wpts[$i]['desc']);
// the attribute text may not contain carriage returns or linefeeds:
$d = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r|\n/', '', $d);
$w .= 'wptdesc: "<br />'.$d.'", '."\n";
} else {
$w .= 'wptdesc: "", '."\n";
if (($this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt'] != '0') AND ((string)$wpts[$i]['links'] != ''))
$w .= 'wptlinks: "<br />';
$l = explode("\n",(string)$wpts[$i]['links']);
$n = 1;
foreach ($l as $lnk) {
if (trim($lnk) != '') {
$d = str_replace('%N%',$n,$this->_params['wppopuplinkfmt']);
if ($n>1) { $w .= ' '; }
$w .= '<a href=\''.$lnk.'\' target=\'_blank\'>'.$d.'</a>';
$n += 1;
$w .='", '."\n";
} else {
$w .= 'wptlinks: "", ';
$w .= 'wptnum : '.$i.' '. // v1.2.1 fix: remove trailing comma here
'{ '.
'fillColor : \''.$this->_params['wpcolor'].'\', '.
'fillOpacity : '.$this->_params['trackopacity'].', '.
'strokeColor : "'.$this->_params['trackcolor'].'", '.
'strokeOpacity : '.$this->_params['trackopacity'].', '.
'strokeWidth : 1, '.
'pointRadius : '.$this->_params['wpradius'].', '.
'cursor: "pointer"} );'."\n\n";
$s .= $w;
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] != 0) { // V1.2.2 fix: disabling popups didn't work
$s .=
// create the layer with listeners to create and destroy popups
'var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Points",{'."\n".
' eventListeners:{'."\n".
' \'featureselected\':function(evt){'."\n".
' var feature = evt.feature;'."\n".
' var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("popup",'."\n".
' OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString(feature.geometry.toShortString()),'."\n".
' null,'."\n";
// contents for the popups:
$s .=
' "<div style=\'font-size:.8em\'>'.
'<span class=\'gpxwptname\'>" + feature.attributes.wptname + "</span>'.
'<span class=\'gpxwptele\'>" + feature.attributes.wptele + "</span>'.
'<span class=\'gpxwpttime\'>" + feature.attributes.wpttime + "</span>'.
'<span class=\'gpxwpdesc\'>" + feature.attributes.wptdesc + "</span>'.
'<span class=\'gpxwplinks\'>" + feature.attributes.wptlinks + "</span>"';
$s .= '+ "</div>",'."\n";
$s .=
'null,true); '."\n".
//todo: make max size configurable!
'popup.maxSize = new OpenLayers.Size('.$popupsize.');'."\n".
'feature.popup = popup; '."\n".
$mapvar.'.addPopup(popup); }, '."\n".
' \'featureunselected\':function(evt){'."\n".
' var feature = evt.feature;'."\n".
' '.$mapvar.'.removePopup(feature.popup);'."\n".
' feature.popup.destroy();'."\n".
' feature.popup = null; } } });'."\n".
$s .= // create the select feature control
'var selector = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vector,{'."\n";
if ($this->_params['wppopups'] == 1) {
$s .= ' hover:true,'."\n";
} else {
$s .= ' toggle:true,'."\n";
$s .=
' autoActivate:true }); '."\n".
$mapvar.'.addLayer(vector); '."\n".
$mapvar.'.addControl(selector); '."\n";
return $s;
private function filterSignal($s,$n,$order)
$sn = array();
if ($order < $n) {
$sum = $s[0];
$sn[0] = $s[0];
for ($i=1; $i < $order; $i++) {
$sn[$i] = $sum / $i;
$sum = $sum + $s[$i];
for ($i=$order; $i<$n; $i++) {
$sn[$i] = $sum / $order;
$sum = $sum - $s[$i-$order] + $s[$i];
return $sn;
private function renderDiagram($dist,$data,$n,$mindata,$maxdata,$distance,$uom,$filepath,$filename,$filenamesuffix,
$ext = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$pos = strrpos($filename,$ext);
if ($pos !== false) {
$destfile = substr_replace($filename, 'svg', $pos, strlen($filename)); // replace .gpx with .svg
if ($filenamesuffix != '') {
$fn = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$pos = strrpos($filename,$fn);
if ($pos !== false) {
$destfile = substr_replace($filename, $fn.$filenamesuffix, $pos, strlen($filename)).'.svg'; // turn track.svg into track-speed.svg
if (JFile::exists($filepath.$destfile) AND ($this->_params['cache'] == 1)) {
return $destfile;
$m_ft = 1 / 0.3048;
$kmh_mph = 1 / 1.609;
$kmh_kn = 1 / 1.852;
$sep = $this->_params['tidecimalsep'];
$e = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="1000" height="500"'."\n".
' viewBox="0 0 10000 10000" preserveAspectRatio="none">'."\n";
$e .= '<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" stroke="gray" stroke-width="0" fill="'.$diabgcolor.'" fill-opacity="1" />'."\n";
// horizontal altitude lines
// v1.2.2 configurable number of grid lines. Bottom coord=500, Top=9500
if ($ygridlines>0) {
for ($i=0; $i<$ygridlines; $i++) {
if ($i==0) {
$yco = 500;
} else {
$yco = 500 + ($i * (9000/($ygridlines-1)));
$e .= '<line x1="0" y1="'.$yco.'" x2="10000" y2="'.$yco.'" stroke-width="'.$ygridwidth.'" stroke="'.$ygridcolor.'" />'."\n";
$d1 = $dist[0];
$a1 = $data[0];
$yrange = ($maxdata-$mindata) * 1.1; // 5% "headroom" above and below
$yofs = ($maxdata-$mindata) * 0.05;
$xrange = $distance;
if ($yrange==0) {
return '';
// x axis grid
if (($xgrids > '') AND ((string)$xgrids != '0')) {
$xs = explode('/',trim($xgrids));
foreach ($xs as $xgrid) {
if ($xgrid > 0.0) {
switch ($xgridunits) {
case ( 'm') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1.0; break;
case ('km') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0; break;
case ('ft') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid / $m_ft; break;
case ('mi') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0 / $kmh_mph; break;
case ('nm') : $xgrid_m = $xgrid * 1000.0 / $kmh_kn; break;
if ($distance*1000 / $xgrid_m <= $xgridlimit)
{ break; }
} // foreach
// auto-correct if still to many grid lines
while ($distance*1000 / $xgrid_m > $xgridlimit ) {
$xgrid_m = $xgrid_m * 2;
$xgrid = $xgrid * 2;
$xofs = $xgrid; // in display units
$xofs_m = $xgrid_m;
while ($xofs_m < $distance * 1000) { // $distance is [km] !
$xcoord = $xofs_m / $xrange * 10;
$e .= '<line x1="'.round($xcoord).'" y1="0" x2="'.round($xcoord).'" y2="10000" stroke-width="'.$xgridwidth.'" stroke="'.$xgridcolor.'" />'."\n";
$xdist = round($xofs,1).' '.$xgridunits;
if ($sep !== '.') {
$xdist = str_replace('.',$sep,$xdist);
$e .= '<g transform="scale(0.3,1)"><text x="'.round($xcoord*(1/0.3)+100).'" y="9950" font-family="Verdana" font-size="500" fill="black">'.$xdist.'</text></g>'."\n";
$xofs += $xgrid;
$xofs_m += $xgrid_m;
$x1 = 0;
$y1 = (($a1-$mindata+$yofs) / $yrange )* 100;
$x1coord = round($x1*100);
$y1coord = 10000-round($y1*100);
$lw = $dialinewidth * 10;
// here goes line/polygon diagram...
$polyline = '<polyline fill-opacity="0" stroke-width="'.$lw.'" stroke="'.$dialinecolor.'" points="'.$x1coord.','.$y1coord.' ';
$polygons = '';
if ($xrange==0) {
return '';
for ($i=1; $i < ($n-1); $i++) {
$d2 = $dist[$i];
$a2 = $data[$i];
$x2 = ($d2) / $xrange * 100;
$y2 = (($a2-$mindata+$yofs) / $yrange) * 100;
$x2coord = round($x2*100);
$y2coord = 10000-round($y2*100);
$fill = '';
if ($diafillmode == 1) { // delta (up/down)
if ($x2<>$x1) {
$m = (($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1));
if ($m>0) {
$fill = $diaupcolor;
else {
$fill = $diadowncolor;
$m = -$m;
$m = round(sqrt(sqrt($m))*0.4,3); // gives better "opacity/color distribution"
} else {
$fill= "white";
if ($diafillmode == 2) { // abs
$m = ($a2 - $mindata) / ($maxdata-$mindata); // 0..1.0
$fill = $diaupcolor;
if ($fill !== '') {
$polygons .= '<polygon fill-opacity="'.$m.'" fill="'.$fill.'" stroke-width="0" points="'.
$x1coord.',9500 '.$x1coord.','.$y1coord.' '.$x2coord.','.$y2coord.' '.$x2coord.',9500" />'."\n";
$polyline .= $x2coord.','.$y2coord.' ';
$x1 = $x2;
$y1 = $y2;
$x1coord = $x2coord;
$y1coord = $y2coord;
$e .= $polygons;
$e .= $polyline.'" />';
// min/max elevation captions on y axis
//TODO: remove "magic consts" in here with calculated offsets... y values go down from top/left origin.
$e .= '<g transform="scale(0.3,1)">'."\n";
if ($ygridlines>0) {
for ($i=0; $i<$ygridlines; $i++) {
if ($i==$ygridlines-1) {
$yco = 9950;//500 - 50;
$ecur = $mindata;
} else {
$yco = 500 -50 + ($i * (9000/($ygridlines-1)));
$ecur = $maxdata - ( ($maxdata-$mindata) / ($ygridlines-1) * $i );
if ($uom == "m") { // elevation - data is in [m]
$ecur = round($ecur,1);
if ($uom == "ft") { // elevation - data is in [m]
$ecur = round($ecur * $m_ft,1);
if ($uom == "km/h") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
$ecur = round($ecur,1);
if ($uom == "mph") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
$ecur = round($ecur * $kmh_mph,1);
if ($uom == "kn") { // speed - data is in [km/h]
$ecur = round($ecur * $kmh_kn,1);
if ($sep !== '.') {
$ecur = str_replace('.',$sep,$ecur);
$e .= '<text x="100" y="'.$yco.'" font-family="Verdana" font-size="500" fill="black">'.$ecur.' '.$uom.'</text>'."\n";
$e .= '</g>'."\n";
// close surrounding translate() group tag
$e .= '</svg>'."\n";
// always re-create (for now), but: see cache setting above
if (JFile::exists($filepath.$destfile)) { JFile::delete($filepath.$destfile); }
// V1.2.2 check write permission
if (! $this->is__writable($filepath.$destfile)) {
return '';
} else {
$fh = fopen($filepath.$destfile,"c");
return $destfile;
private function getGPXTime($gpxtimestr)
// timestamps in GPX files have the following format:
// 2012-12-03T09:08:43Z
// 01234567890123456789 (offsets)
$y = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 0,4);
$m = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 5,2);
$d = (int)substr($gpxtimestr, 8,2);
$h = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,11,2);
$n = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,14,2);
$s = (int)substr($gpxtimestr,17,2);
$ts = gmmktime($h,$n,$s,$m,$d,$y); // no UTC conversion fanciness, please! just as it appears in the file...
if ($this->_params["titimeshift"] != 0) {
$ts = $ts + $this->_params["titimeshift"] * 60 * 60;
return $ts;
private function ziptrackfile($filepath,$filename)
$ext = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$pos = strrpos($filename,$ext); // search from the right
//maybe add in a check here if extension is really "gpx" ??
if($pos !== false)
{ $destfile = substr_replace($filename, 'zip', $pos, strlen($filename)); // replace .gpx with .zip
$fullgpxpath = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filepath.$filename;
$fullzippath = $this->_absolute_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filepath.$destfile;
if (JFile::exists($fullzippath) AND ($this->_params['cache'] == 1))
{ return $filepath.$destfile; }
// V1.2.2 check write permission
if (! $this->is__writable($fullzippath)) {
$this->_warnings .= 'Unable to create zip file of the gpx file. Please check write permissions!'."\n";
return false;
if (!JFile::exists($fullgpxpath))
{ return false; }
$filesToZip[] = array(
'data' => JFile::read($fullgpxpath),
'name' => JFile::getName($filename));
$zip = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
$zip->create($fullzippath, $filesToZip);
if (JFile::exists($fullzippath)) // it should now!
{ return $filepath.$destfile; }
{ return false; }
private function markerFilename($markertype, $markerset)
{ case(1): $clr = 'blue'; break;
case(2): $clr = 'red'; break;
case(3): $clr = 'green'; break;
case(4): $clr = 'yellow'; break;
case(5): $clr = 'white'; break;
case(6): $clr = 'gray'; break;
case(7): $clr = 'black'; break;
$clr = $markertype; // so one can put "startmarker=red" in the call instead of "startmarker=2"
default: $clr = '';
if ($clr=='')
{ return ''; }
{ return 'marker'.$markerset.'-'.$clr.'.png'; } // marker1-blue.png
private function is__writable($path) {
// from www.php.net article on is_writeable:
if ($path{strlen($path)-1}=='/') // recursively return a temporary file path
return is__writable($path.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp');
else if (is_dir($path))
return is__writable($path.'/'.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp');
// check tmp file for read/write capabilities
$rm = file_exists($path);
$f = @fopen($path, 'a');
if ($f===false)
return false;
if (!$rm)
return true;
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fingeradmin replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- fingeradmin
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Hi Gerrit,
that was fast - great!
Normally, it's quite e bit of work to introduce new parameters because i try to make them all work with parameter presets, too.
In this case this doesn't make much sense, because you'll have to find the coordinates individually for each track anyway. So - yes, i think that's a nice addition!
Could you post your complete gpxtrackmap.php here? I can merge it with my current version and have the feature included as a standard feature in the next release.
cheers, Frank
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mirger replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- mirger
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mirger replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- mirger
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Hi Frank
if ( isset($this->_params['center_x']) and isset($this->_params['center_y']))
$zoomcode = ' this.map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(' . $this->_params['center_x'] .',' . $this->_params['center_y'] .'), '. $this->_params['zoomlevel'] . '); ';
// V1.4.0: added option for fixed zoom level.
etc don' forget the }
it works on kautenbach.mirger.nl/
Faster than I thought...
The map below is from gpxtrackmap.
Kind regards, Gerrit
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mirger replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- mirger
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Alas, that was what I was asking.
With OSM modul I can zoom into my region of interest. If the visitors are zooming out they can see more of our walks.
I have read about the function in openlayers called setcenter. Whenever I have time (around December, I hope) I will have to play with my ideas.
Javascript is not my favourite language though...
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fingeradmin replied the topic: (a)waypoints
- fingeradmin
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Hi Gerrit,
sorry the late reply, i missed your message somehow.
You can set a default zoom level for the initial display of the track
and use that in a preset:
In the invocation code, you can add the preset as described here .
Note that the zoom center will always be the geographical center of your track, though.
This means you can not set the zoom center anywhere else, if that
is what you were asking.
cheers, Frank
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