× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Using links with waypoints

Manard replied the topic: Using links with waypoints

6 years 8 months ago

Hello Frank,

Thank you for your reply. I just tried with the tutorial, finally we add these tags

<desc>[url=http://my.domain.com]Link text[/url]</desc>
in the file gpx. It works perfectly.

I noticed that the behavior of the popup window is different with the validation of the symbol or not. If I validate the symbol, the flyover window remains displayed, otherwise it is not the case.

Best regards


Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by Manard.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Using links with waypoints

6 years 8 months ago

Hello Bernard,

you can use the <links> tag in the gpx files as you describe, but there is no way to have those links in the waypoint description.

However, i built in a subset of BBCode in the waypoints description processor of the plugin, so you can use links like this in the description text:

[url=http://my.domain.com]Link text[/url]

Here's a tutorial on how it works exactly:

That way, the links will be included in the popup text.
Hope this helps!

cheers, Frank

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Manard created the topic: Using links with waypoints

6 years 8 months ago

Hello Frank,

First, thank you very much for this plugin. I installed this plugin today on a personal website developed with Joomla 3.8.2. I followed your tutorials and managed to display waypoint files. I want to use a different link attached to each of the waypoints. I'm using <link> site url </ link> tags in the gpx files. When I select a waypoint I have the link that appears in the popup window: link # 1, is it possible to have another syntax like "Link to the site"?
With the radio button "Informations", there are three choices. Would it be possible both to have the flyover and to be able to click on it to access the link? . With the flyover alone we do not access the link.

Thank you for your help

Best regards


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