× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

GPXTrackMap is ready !

joachimm replied the topic: Note to Jachim: CSS issues

11 years 5 months ago

no words, no comments !
everything works
Now I'll add another route

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Note to Jachim: CSS issues

11 years 5 months ago

Hi Joachim,

looking at your page again, i finally found the real cause for the "strange" map display. It's a CSS issue, coming from your "joomla.css" file:

Please look at the attached screenshots. There's a "section img..." setting in your joomla.css file that "shrinks" the image tiles from OSM.

If you change / deactivate / comment out those settings (like i did with Chrome's "developer tools" here), your map should render OK.

...couldn't sleep without having that sorted out... ;)


Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by fingeradmin.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: GPXTrackMap V1.1.0 is ready !

11 years 5 months ago

Hi again Joachim,

i think i found the problem - could you download v1.1.3 and see if this works for you? (I tested your gpx file here with the 1.1.3 version, and it shows fine, like it should.)

The problem seemed to be a "/\" in the URL for the GPX file (introduced in v1.1.2), now all seems fine.


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fingeradmin replied the topic: GPXTrackMap V1.1.0 is ready !

11 years 5 months ago

Hi Joachim,

thanks a lot for the Polish translation! I will include it in the next release.

As for your GPX file: That is really strange. My plugin opens and parses the GPX file, and that part works fine - it shows the track length, number of track points etc., so that's not the problem.

For some reason the Openlayers API seems to have problems with the track, though, and i really can't say why...

I'll try to analyse what's wrong, and will let you know if i find out.


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joachimm replied the topic: GPXTrackMap V1.1.0 is ready !

11 years 5 months ago

The example on page:
Rowerem do Segietu
and a small problem with the display of maps.
Latest version with polish translation:

File Attachment:

File Name: plg_conten...2-pl.zip
File Size:77 KB

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by joachimm.

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joachimm replied the topic: GPXTrackMap V1.1.0 is ready !

11 years 5 months ago

Hi Frank
still write to you, for the time being the first Polish version of the plugin

File Attachment:

File Name: plg_conten...1-pl.zip
File Size:76 KB


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