No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
willpom replied the topic: No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
- willpom
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Found the offending line in the site 'configuration.php'. Works a treat now, thanks!
Will look at the template stuff when I get a chance.
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fingeradmin replied the topic: No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
- fingeradmin
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Hi Will,
the problem seems to come from the URLs you use:
The site is running on
Have you entered the path to the gpx tracks as a relative path to your Joomla home directory in the plugin options? It defaults to "/images/gpxtracks". In case you have, and it doesn't work, you have that "www." part somewhere else where it doesn't belong - hard to tell for me where it may come from. Try to find it and get rid of it - mixing up links and URLs with and without "www." is a bad idea that will probably give you more problems down the road, especially on https sites - hope this helps!
( I see you have the rounded corners on the map already in place - that looks quite nice!

cheers, Frank
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willpom replied the topic: No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
- willpom
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No worries.
I do get some errors, gpxtrackmap specific:
window.controllers/Controllers is deprecated. Do not use it for UA detection. (OpenLayers)
Cross-Origin Request Blocked............Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing
I have since created my own waypoint symbols and they now display but no track and centres on Lat/Lon 0,0
Link to site emailed. It is a work in progress and as I said before I've no background in site design but learn the basics quick.
I notice you have a similar problem
GPS Babel
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fingeradmin replied the topic: No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
- fingeradmin
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Hi there,
sorry the late reply- i only received the notification about your post today,
don't know what took it so long...
The GPX file is processed twice in the plugin: First, my code reads the file and gathers all the statistical data and assembles the elevation diagram. That part obviously works.
Then the generated Javascript code passes the file to the Openlayers library that reads the file again and handles the display on the map. That part doesn't work.
To find out why, it mostly helps to open the developer tools (F12 in Firefox or Chrome) and look for any warnings or error messages in the Console output.
If you can send me a linkto your site, i can take a look myself (you can send it by private mail if you want).
cheers, Frank
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willpom created the topic: No track/waypoints displayed but elevation.
- willpom
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Hi Frank et al
I'm new to Joomla and webstuff in general so go gently. Installed GPXTrackMap as instructions. From the back end looks exactly like what I'm after bar a few things which I'll add to another post.
Track folder set /images/gpxtracks (have also used in /images). Changed allowed file permissions; gpx, GPX and add application/xml to allowed MIMEs.
File uploaded and article edited.
HOWEVER I get a very nice elevation profile and data for the track but no track or waypoints on the map, just zoomed in to 50m/100ft at Long & Lat 0. I can zoom out and move around the map as normal, all settings from the back end regarding map shading etc work. If I add the download button (not zip) it contains all the right information. So from reading the troubleshooting and quick look at forum I have a different problem as the map is there AND media folder permissions ok as it is reading data
I have tried multiple versions of the GPX file to see if any others work; full export from Ride with GPS, reduced to 500 points, the actual ride I undertook on the route (with time stamps), and also the full and riden versions where I uploaded it into Memory Map then downloaded again to check if it was the file format; MM starts
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<gpx version="1.1"
with each track point in one line rather than over several.
Smallest file size 38KB, largest 2500KB.
Look forward to your thoughts
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