× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Further design considerations

fingeradmin replied the topic: Further design considerations

6 years 10 months ago

i'll try to answer each one inline:

  1. Rounded corners to map and graphs

  2. You can achieve this by adding
div.olMapViewport { border-radius: 20px; }
img.gpxtrackdiagram { border-radius: 20px; }
to the css file of your site.

  • Roll over on graphs so a pointer displays on map, and visa versa, possibly with distance and elevation displayed

  • I guess maybe this could be done with some nifty Javascript code, but honestly i'm not good enough at this to do it - maybe someone else here can. I've seen this feature on sites using the Leaflet library (instead of Openlayers), don't know if this is doable with Openlayers.

  • Waypoints shown on graphs with anchoring line to X axis

  • So the waypoints drawn onto the generated SVG file for the elevations diagram, is that what you mean?

  • Turning data off completely - it still shows n/a when turned off, or perhaps if it is n/a then it can be ignored so relevent data can be displayed; a planned route from software vs an actual route recorded by a device

  • This can be done by modifying the layout templates, take a look here:

  • Ability to seperate map, graphs and the data readouts - eg I may want to add a list of the notable climbs and their details and then display just the elevation profile with the map further up the page

  • Also doable with Layout templates: create one with just the map, another one with just the placeholder for the elevation graph and a third one just for the data. Then include the same track three times with tpl=1, tpl=2 and tpl=3 respectively.
    I wouldn't recommend this for large tracks, though, because the file has to be read three times individually.

  • Possibility for y-axis to be displaed to the left of the graph

  • Don't know what exactly you mean here... just a vertical line for the axis?

  • Ability to define the y-axis scale to set increments like the x-axis

  • The diagram's y axis is scaled automatically, defined by the highest and lowest elevation in the track. Scaling it manually seems a bit cumbersome, as you would have to manually have to calculate the parameters and pass them as parameters for each track individually.

  • x-axis ignoring the first as from what I've seen it starts on random numbers rather than 0
  • Hmm, the x axis DOES always start at zero. The number in the lower left corner is the elevation of the lowermost line of the y grid, not the x axis start (though admittedly this is not very obvious - maybe having a different font or font weight for the y axis labeling would help?)

  • Ability to define different templates per output - I didn't see this mentioned in the presets tutorial

  • See above: define your layout templates and in the invocation code add ",tpl=1". So you can use a different template on a per-track-basis.

    hope this helps to get along - but first, let's get the actual track to show up :)

    cheers, Frank

    Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by fingeradmin.
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    willpom created the topic: Further design considerations

    6 years 10 months ago


    I have a few further design considerations.

    1. Rounded corners to map and graphs
    2. Roll over on graphs so a pointer displays on map, and visa versa, possibly with distance and elevation displayed
    3. Waypoints shown on graphs with anchoring line to X axis
    4. Turning data off completely - it still shows n/a when turned off, or perhaps if it is n/a then it can be ignored so relevent data can be displayed; a planned route from software vs an actual route recorded by a device
    5. Ability to seperate map, graphs and the data readouts - eg I may want to add a list of the notable climbs and their details and then display just the elevation profile with the map further up the page
    6. Possibility for y-axis to be displaed to the left of the graph
    7. Ability to define the y-axis scale to set increments like the x-axis
    8. x-axis ignoring the first as from what I've seen it starts on random numbers rather than 0
    9. Ability to define different templates per output - I didn't see this mentioned in the presets tutorial

    All in all though it is a very well thought out extension and I thank you for your time. Hopefully I can get it to show the actual track (see other post)

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