× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

feature request - mouse over feature

tux replied the topic: feature request - mouse over feature

6 years 5 months ago

Hey Frank,

To bad it is not possible. Are u sure the other plugin / websites it is using the Leaflet library ? Because they all use OpenLayers as well.


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fingeradmin replied the topic: feature request - mouse over feature

6 years 5 months ago

Hello Pascal,

I have seen this feature on some sites that use the Leaflet library instead of OpenLayers (which is the one the plugin uses).

Honestly, i wouldn't know how to do this with the OpenLayers library, or if it's possible at all.

The OpenLayers and Leaflet libraries are quite different in useage, so it's not just a matter of building in an option into the plugin to support Leaflet - it would basically mean a complete re-write, or even writing a completely different plugin.

So - sorry, but this is not a feature you can expect in GPXTrackMap anytime soon.

cheers, Frank

Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by fingeradmin.

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tux created the topic: feature request - mouse over feature

6 years 5 months ago

Hello Frank,

I have been using your plugin for a long time and am very satisfied. However, there is one thing I really miss in the plugin.

It would be really nice if you let your mouse go over the height profile, you automatically see on the map where this is. A good example of this is: www.cirkwi.com/fr/circuit/48936-4-autour-de-chabotte

I do not know how easy this can be realized. As you probably know there are other (paid) plugins, who do support this. It would make the plugin even more complete for me (and I think many others).

Let me know..

Regards Pascal

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