× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Display Map and HTTPS

fingeradmin replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Phil,

this is a CSS problem, it happens because of the side menu on the right ("INDEX DE L'ARTICLE"). It "pushes" the map downwards in the page layout, so it overlaps the track profile.

What you could try to solve this is adding the following to your html template (template1.html or whatever you're using):


<div class="gpxtrackmap">%TRACKMAP%</div>
<div class="gpxtrackmap" style="padding-bottom: 140px;">%TRACKMAP%</div>
This will add enough empty space underneath the map "box" that it doesn't overlay the track diagram any more. (The 140px is about the height of the side menu, so it should work fine if you always have 4 menu items in there).

btw. Merzouga is also very nice - have been there a couple of times, too! :)

cheers, Frank

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distran replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Frank
Thanks for this explain

Problem is with "container" I think. Map display on elevation

I try to put <p></p> in template between map and elevation, but don' work.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Phil,

the Plugin has two parts:

Part 1: gets information by reading ("parsing") the GPX file.

This part is the "heart" of the Plugin. It will work fine when the Plugin can access the GPX file.
It works by just reading the .GPX file (which is - basically - a renamed .XML file)

This part can generate Elevation diagrams etc. from the XML file, BUT: no "maps".

Part 2 is the Display of the map (and your track).

This part only works when the OpenLayers Library is found, and it works!

It gives you the graphics (map + track) on your site -
if this part fails, you will still have "elevation diagrams" etc. (from zhe .GPX file in Part I),
but no map display.

cheers, Frank

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distran replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Franck
It work ! many thanks
I work in Joomla from many years (Manbo) and I forgot path !:sick:

I don't remenber how I done to fix map display over elevation ?


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fingeradmin replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Phil,

looking at the source code of the page, it seems all links point to a subdirectory "site".

Try changing the paths to the following:
OpenLayers script source:

OpenStreetMap script source:

I think that should fix it.

cheers, Frank

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distran replied the topic: Display Map and HTTPS

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Franck
Thanks for your response:)

I change path like you said, but problem is the same.

I don't understand why, but all works fine from years, before SSL certicate:woohoo:

Yes this track is near Tafraoute.
I live in Morocco, I have a campsite in Mhamid El Ghislane

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