Two years ago I had bronchitis and was sitting at home. Between the coughing I build 'just another gpxtrackmap'.for our own joomla-website.
No one contacted me about any problems with the scripts.
I don not know who it is using. But I expect it will be a very few users. Less than 5?
Due to the different license on the javascripts I can not offer it via
Please, do not use it commercially!
I am using Joomla 5.
In the past two years I had to change something with the language files because of a change in Joomla it self. And I prepared the PHP-scripts not to use the backward compatibility modus any-more.It should work in the upcoming joomla 6. But something could go wrong...
My joomla 4 test site has gone to the eternal electro-magnetic fields during an awfully wrong going test with another plugin...
Is someone still using joomla 4 in combination with my plugin?