× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Translating instructions

pofagyalu replied the topic: Translating instructions

10 years 4 months ago

Hi Frank,

1. Clear, what I mean is that having different .ini files is OK but on top of that having those html templates is not good (from translation point of view), from layout point of view of course is fantastic.

2. What I can see at first that you have to pay for Transifex but there are exceptions such as open source projects. I do not know what is yours and I can see that many other components are translated by using Transifex and it is very convenient way to do translations.

3. What I can see in other cases that when there is a new version, the string file has a new comment on top showing the version number and all new strings are placed on the top of the file. It is easy to find new strings so this I think is a good solution.

4. Please do not waste too much time for translations (just a little bit) and continue develop your component which is great.

Thank you.

p.s. I will check myself how Transifex could be used and I will return if I have some good news

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fingeradmin replied the topic: Translating instructions

10 years 5 months ago

Hi Zoltan,

first of all thank you for the updated translation, much appreciated!

ad 1.: it's not that easy, because Joomla expects the strings to be
in those separate files. Sooner or later you have to place them into
those files individually, or it just won't work.

ad 2.: I'll look at Transifex (don't know it), and see if this would
work. In the meantime i have started a simpler, hopefully useful

I will put all new strings in a separate "translation master file"
that will be subdivided by release numbers (the English ones, that is).

So in the future you can just use that one file and translate everything
after the last version you have already translated. I will think of
some syntax so you can see which files the translations have to be
included in - it's basically the two .ini files and the layout

Would that be an option? It's a bit more work for me, but the
advantage is that it only takes a text editor to get it to work
and it would save you from finding the new strings by hand...

cheers, Frank

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pofagyalu replied the topic: Translating instructions

10 years 5 months ago

Hi Frank,

I propose to make some modifications on the plugin so that translation would be a much easier task.
1. It would be better to have all files/strings to translate in one place (could be in several files but only one place/folder). In my opinion it is a problem to have those template html files in a different place
2. It was a big work to discover which were the new strings introduced in the latest version of the plugin. Have you considered to put all the translation on Transifex? I saw there several other components which are free so I presume you do not have to pay for it.

Wish you all the best and keep up the good work.

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fingeradmin created the topic: Translating instructions

11 years 5 months ago

Hi there,

in case you want to translate my plugin to your language:

I have just written down some instructions on how to do this.
You can find them in the "Documentation" menu, or just click
this link .

have fun!


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