× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x


fingeradmin replied the topic: z-index

11 years 3 months ago


i'm not quite sure what you mean with dropdown, but you can try the following: In each layout template you will find something like:

<div class="gpxtrackmap">%TRACKMAP%</div>

The %TRACKMAP% placeholder gets replaced with the code for the map, so you can try to set the z-index in the surrounding div tag in the layout template file -OR- include a css rule for div.gpxtrackmap in your css file and set the z-index there.

hth & cheers, Frank

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jeffinsite created the topic: z-index

11 years 3 months ago

I am trying to find where I can change the value of the z-index. At the current value my drop down sits under my content/map. Can anyone tell me where to adjust the z-index of the content of map?

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