× Forum for the GPXTrackMap Content Plugin for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x

Showcase - show us your track maps!

sergio replied the topic: Showcase - show us your track maps!

11 years 5 months ago


a ride with my vtt

thanks for your plugin

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by sergio.

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fingeradmin created the topic: Showcase - show us your track maps!

11 years 5 months ago

Hi *,

i think it would be nice if people could see what the plugin is being used for - and, needless to say, i'm also pretty curious about that myself ;)

So if you use GPXTrackMap on your site, please respond to this thread and include a link to your site - show us your tracks!

If it's fine with you, i can include that link to your site in an upcoming "Sites using GPXTrackMap" article in the Documentation.

Any volunteers?


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