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New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

fingeradmin replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

Hi Sergio,

really strange - as i said, i double-checked everything and it all works here as it should. There must be something wrong with your presets.

Can you try to set the parameters directly in the invocation code in your article, and see if that works?

cheers, Frank

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sergio replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

with the cache disabled

- speed diagram works (good color)
- elevation diagram don't work !!!

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fingeradmin replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

Hi Sergio,

three things to check:

- have you disabled the cache (Advanced settings -> Use cached files) ?

- do you really have preset "tab8" for the second, and "tab9" for the third tab?

- do you use "overrides" in the invocation code?

If tab9 says: spdupcolor=red, but you use this code:


- then the setting from the code (spdupcolor=blue) will override the setting from the preset(!).

that's all i can think of for the moment...

cheers, Frank

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sergio replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

sorry it does not work :angry:
I removed .svg , temp ...
everything works except the colors

i used this preset :


Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by sergio.

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fingeradmin replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

Hi Sergio,

strange - i just tested it (again) and all the diagram color parameters work here as they should.

i used this preset:


...and this invocation:


...and all the colors are rendered just as they should.

Maybe there's some syntax error in your preset?

cheers, Frank

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sergio replied the topic: New Version 1.2.2 - Beta with Dutch translation

11 years 2 months ago

Hi Frank


=>The parameter for the Layout Template can now either contain an integer value (1..6) to select one of the predefined templates - OR - (new:) it can directly contain a path to a Layout Template file.

=> in the preset

don't work


Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by sergio.

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