Options: Waypoints
example of a waypoint with activated popup:
1. Show waypoints
If there are waypoints ("<wpt>" tags) in the track file, the plugin will show them on the track if you turn on this option.
parameter: wpshow
values: 0 (off) or 1 (on)
Note: if you have Waypoint Popups enabled (see below), this setting will be ignored and waypoints will always be shown.
2. Waypoint color
Color of the waypoint dots on the map
parameter: wpcolor
values: any valid HTML color value or constant (like #FFFFFF or white)
3. Waypoint size
Radius of the waypoint dots on the map
parameter: wpradius
values: any integer value in pixels, something between 2 and 5 makes most sense
4. Waypoint popups
If enabled, popups with information about the waypoints will be shown on the map if you hover over or click on a waypoint. (also see the note on Show Waypoints above.)
parameter: wppopups
values: 0 (off), 1 (show on hover) or 2 (show on click)
5. Show WPT altitude
If the waypoint contains altitude information ("<ele>" tag), it can be displayed in the popup.
parameter: wppopupele
values: 0 (don't show), m (show in meters), ft (show in feet)
6. WPT timestamp format
If the waypoint contains a timestamp, the popup can show it, formatted with this setting.
parameter: wppopuptimefmt
value: 0 (don't show timestamps) or a valid argument for the PHP strftime() function
Note: displaying these timestamps only makes sense when you have marked the waypoints with your GPS while you recorded the track. If you have added them afterwards with e.g. Garmin's BaseCamp, it will contain the timestamp when you added it, so it's of little use in the context of the track map display.
7. Show WPT description
If the waypoint contains an additional description ("<desc>" tag), its text content can be displayed in the popup.
parameter: wppopupdesc
values: 0 (don't show), 1 (show)
Note: With e.g. BaseCamp you can edit the description of waypoints after you recorded the track, to put in some extra information (in text form) about the waypoint. Double-click the waypoint in BaseCamp to edit the description.
8. WPT link(s) format
Some tools -like, again, BaseCamp- allow you to add web links to a waypoint. They don't go into the description text, however, but are stored separately (as "<link>" tags in the waypoint).
parameter: wppopuplinkfmt
values: either 0 (don't show links) or a text like "link #%N%"
Note: if you have stored two links in a waypoint, and set this parameter to "link #%N%", you will see an output like "link #1 link #2" in the popup. The "%N%" placeholder in the format parameter will be replaced by the running number of the link (in THIS waypoint), so you can reference them in the description.
Sadly, you can not (easily and safely) include links in the description of the waypoint. One way around this is to write something like "... (see link #1)" into the description and use the above format.
9. CSS styling of data in the popups
To allow custom styling of the data in the popups, each part has it's own CSS class. In detail, those are:
- <span class="gpxwptname"> - for the waypoint name
- <span class="gpxwptele"> - for the waypoint altitude (or elevation)
- <span class="gpxwpttime"> - for the waypoint timestamp
- <span class="gpxwptdesc"> - for the waypoint description
- <span class="gpxwptlinks"> - for the waypoint links
This allows you to customize the appearance like i did in the example above by adding the following code to my template.css file:
.gpxwptele {font-style: italic;
color: red;
Note: it is also possible to style the appearance of the popup itself, but that's a part for the Openlayers API. The plugin uses the OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud class.