Track Information


The plugin can parse your GPX file and extract some "statistical" information, that you can have displayed above or below the map.

1. Read Track Info

Parameter name: ti


0 = no track infos: your GPX file will not be parsed at all, which gives faster display, but you will not be able to display any of the track informations.

1 = your GPX file will be parsed and you have some values to display above or below the map. This works by choosing one of the Layout Templates in the corresponding options block.

 NOTE that even if you have "Read track infos" set to "No", the track file will still be parsed if you have either the speed or elevation diagram enabled. That's because the diagrams are rendered from the same data in the GPX file.


2. Decimal separator

Parameter name: tidecimalsep

Possible values: "." or ","

This will be used as the decimal separator in floating point track infos, such as %AVG-SPEED-KMH%.


3. Date format

Parameter name: tidatefmt

The format string for the PHP strftime function to format the STARTTIME and ENDTIME placeholders (follow the link for more examples and options).


%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S -> "sortable" format: 2012-12-31 12:34:56

%d.%m.%Y %H:%M -> German format: 31.12.2012 12:34


4. Time Format

Parameter name: titimefmt

The format string for the PHP strftime function to format the DURATION placeholder.


%H:%M:%S -> common time format: 02:34:56

%k hrs %M mins -> more useful for a duration: 2 hrs 34 mins


See the section on Layout Templates for more info on how to use this!


5. Time Shift

Parameter name: titimeshift

It's possible that the timestamps in your GPX file don't match the time zone you have recorded them in. 

With this parameter you can shift the timestamps up and down for <n> hours to compensate this (integer value).


6. Moving speed threshold

Parameter name: timovespeed

Since GPS devices usually produce "wandering" coordinates even while you're NOT moving, this can give false results for some of the times the plugin calculates from your tracks (Time in motion / time paused).

To compensate this, it uses a threshold value that you can configure here. Unit is [km/h] - whenever the speed in your track falls below this limit, it is considered as a pause.