Stable 1.3.1
- Maturity:
- Stable
- Released on:
- Monday, 11 August 2014 19:53
- Viewed:
- 7404 times
Version 1.3.1
Tested on Joomla 2.5 .. 3.3.3
If you have problems with maps not being displayed under Joomla > 3.3,
go to Advanced Settings in the plugin options and set
"Use jQuery" to "Yes" !
GPXTrackMap v1.3.1
- Downloaded:
- 5836 times
- File size:
- 138.74 Kb
- MD5 Signature:
- 60786ab52cbbcfac54c540ae23ee42e9
- SHA1 Signature:
- ae3b19d9b4752ca4f553a11062db24b360e095e8
GPXTrackMap v1.3.1