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Publishing the track

First we'll have BaseCamp export the track as a GPX file, including the waypoint(s). There are again different ways of doing this, one way is this:

Click an item in the lower left list, then hit Ctrl+A to select all items there:




Here you can actually select "by hand" which of the waypoints will go into the GPX file. In this simple case, we want them all - there is only one waypoint anyway.

Next, choose "File" / "Export" / "Export Selection" from the menu. Give it a "decent, server-friendly name": The Plugin has to access the GPX file in two ways:

  • by directly reading the file from disk on the server (to read out the waypoint infos etc.)
  • by accessing it through its URL (for the OpenLayers API to read and render the track onto the map)

So it's a good idea to use only small case letters, dashes "-", underscores "_" and digits, but NO blanks, and no other "funny" characters. I called my track "vennrunde.gpx", which meets all of those criteria.


Uploading the GPX file

Well, i assume you know how to do that - anyway, here is a neat trick how you can do the upload with JCE if you have that installed.

So, let's assume you have the file ready in the images/gpxtracks folder on your server.


Embedding the track in an article

Open a new article (or edit an existing one) in your Joomla installation, and enter the GPXTrackMap invocation code like this:


(Note: don't copy-paste the above text; it includes html markup tags!) 

Save and Close the article. Now let's go to the plugin options and set the waypoints the way we want them.